Chapter 20- Never Felt Farther

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That evening was perhaps the greatest one I'd ever known. The Narnians filled the Telmarine castle all joyously laughing, and occasionally dancing, as they dashed up and down the halls, feasting on whatever was set out for them. Once the sun had set, the fireworks began, the earth shattering boom filling the empty spaces between jokes. Up on the roof of the castle was heavenly, the stars seems closer, the laughter, and the fireworks threatened to set me a fire. I'd been up there an entire hour before Ed found me. I hadn't thought I could be any happier in this moment, but his sudden appearance proved me wrong. Seeming to sense my state of bliss, Ed didn't say anything, only sat next to me. I waited until there was a lull in the fireworks to say anything. "How do you always find me." I ask, looking at him.

"It's not hard when the person you're looking for is your best friend." he says. "At Cair Paravel you would always go to the roof when you wanted to be alone." This makes me smile, I hadn't realized he'd picked up on that.

"Wouldn't that mean that I came up here to be alone." I ask.

"You've been up here for an hour, you were secretly dying for some company."

"Now you're just being creepy." I say laughingly.

Ed chuckles. "Ah, but you love me anyway," He says, jokingly putting an arm around me. I shake my head.

"No, I hate you." I state without hesitation.

"Don't lie, Thalia Rose," he scolds.

I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Then admit it. You love me."

I shrug and open my mouth to grudgingly agree with him when Peter makes his appearance on the roof. "How did I know you two would be together?" He asks sarcastically. "Edmund, Caspian is looking for you."

"Of course he is," Ed groans, rising to his feet. He looks at me apologetically.

"Don't worry," Peter says, "I'll keep your girlfriend company."

She's not my-" "I'm not his-" Ed and I begin at the exact same time. Peter just laughs. Ed leaves the roof, muttering something or the other to himself and Peter sits down next to me. I watch Edmund go, and find myself oberwhelming sad that he has to leave at all.

"I'm curious as to what you two were doing up here all by your lonesome." Peter says.

"He was confessing his undying love for me." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Bout time, " Peter mutters and I elbow him. "Oh, so you've forgotten about our conversation in the woods already?"

I shake me head, staring at the door Edmund had left through. "Worse," I admit. "I think I figured out what you meant and I'm beginning to be afraid that you're right." As soon as I say that, I turn to him in a panic. There's a smile a mile wide stretched across his face, and his eyes have smug look in them. The look of a man who just heard a woman admit that he was right. "I swear to Aslan, Pevensie, if you tell any of your sibling I will not hesitate to personally skin you alive." The fireworks begin to pick up again and I turn my attention back to them, figuring that was a good note to end our little conversation on.


"Soooooo....." Lucy says as we sit in the courtyard the next afternoon. "You've officially got a crush on Edmund."

I groan. "Peter told you? I'm going to kill him."

Lucy laughs. "No, you did. Just now. I must admit I'm rather offended you opted to tell Peter rather than me." I groan again, hiding my face in my hand. I'm such an idiot. "Oh, don't be so worried about it, Lee. It was bound to happen. We saw it coming back in the Golden Age."

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