Chapter 11- The Raid

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*Looks at last time I updated* *Looks at date* I am ashamed. *Looks and ground and lowers voice to a whisper* ashaaamed. To make up for it this shall be a long and epic chapter full of action, and sarcasm, and suspense,  and I'm gonna stop before I make a promise I can't keep.

I shift from one foot to the other as I stand by Nikabrik, for whom I have developed an intense disliking over the past 15 minutes. During the preparations for our raid of the Telmar castle, Peter had decided it would be wisest to place me with the foot soldiers while the eldest three Pevensies, Caspian, and Trumpkin enter the castle first to let us in. How this was fair I don't know, but nothing I could say could convince him otherwise. I had not fought in an actual army since the Great Battle with the White Witch and so this whole experience was foreign to me. But nothing I said could convince Peter my plan was wiser. I had wanted to go with Trumpkin to help Reepicheep, but to no avail. That was purely stealth. I had wanted to go with him and Susan to Miraz but nooooooo. With Caspian to open the gate, but he had it covered what could possibly go wrong? I had even asked, okay it was more like begging at that point, to go with Edmund but Peter claimed I would just get in the way. So here I am standing next to Nikabrik, who has been so busy telling to shut up he hasn't had the decency to take his own advice. All in all, my situation was depressing, infuriating, and frustrating all at the same time. Yes, this was juuuust peachy.

In the distance I see a beam of light being shone in the air, as if Edmund had taken his torch and was just waving it around carelessly. 

"What do you suppose that means?" Nikabrik asks.

"It wasn't in the plan." Another soldier agrees.

"I.... think it means Edmund got bored." I say, giving them an amused smile.

"Couldn't he at least turn the device off so as not to confuse us" Nikabrik grumbles. We settle back into silence, waiting for the actual signal. It's about 10 minutes later when it finally comes. "Chaaarge!" A centaur shout, leading the way to castle drawbridge. I take a deep breath. 

Are you ready for an adventure, Thalia Rose?  I can practically hear Edmund's voice in my head. "Oh, shut up, you nitwit." I mutter to myself. The first minotaur makes it through the gate, and the Narnian raid has begun. I charge through the gate and immediately find myself battling a Telmarine. Some surprise attack this was. They were ready for us! I block his sword with my own then swing low, cutting the mans shins and bringing him to his knees. Bow mortal. Once he no longer has his outrageous height advantage, I'm easily able to kill him. No longer distracted by that minor inconvenience (note sarcasm) I look around for the Pevensies and my new pal Caspian. I find Peter and Susan easily enough, and with a little more work I find Caspian. But I can't find Edmund anywhere until I hear Peter's voice, faint in the chaos of the battle, shout his name. I immediately look in the direction Peter seem to be looking and see Edmund standing in front of a dozen Telmarines, all holding crossbows. I hold my breath until I see him dive through a door, leading who knows where, and swing it shut behind him. I give a little sigh of relief, mentally calling him every mocking name I can think of, and turn my attention back to the battle.

Bodies from both side were everywhere, the only difference was you could tell the Narnians had lost men. The Telmarines, however, just kept coming. This isn't going to work. I see a Telmarine on his way to finish of an injured Trumpkin and run over, stabbing the soldier in the back. Trumpkin gives me a little nod and I return it with a weak smile. We both turn back to the battle just as Peter's desperate voice rings out. "Fall back!" 

 Trumpkin and I share a look then turn our separate ways. Trumpkin runs towards the gate, which at this point was only open because a minotaur- injured- was holding it that way. I run towards Peter. I push through Narnians and Telmarines alike until I see him. I run up to him. "Caspian?" I ask. 

He shrugs. "I'm looking for him." I nod and turn to help, running back into the mob. I push my way through until I find myself face to face with a Telmarine. Unfortunately, unlike Caspian, this one was not friendly. He swings at me viciously and immediately I know I'm not going to win this fight. I'm better than most girls at swordplay, but I was by no means skilled. This man was. As I fight back I see Peter and Caspian charge through the gate and then the gate drop closed. My heart drops with it. The moment of distraction is all the Telmarine man needs and he stabs me. I fall to my knees, my mouth gaping open, and the Telmarine man smirks as he turns away. My eyes widen as I realize the cruel man wasn't going to finish me off. He was going to leave me here to bleed to death. I look up at the sky just as a gryphon passes and instinctively I know that it's carrying Edmund. I only hope he understands. I fall to the ground as the gryphon disappears behind the top of a tower and wait to die. I'm halfway unconscious when I hear the the voice of a man standing over me. The voice has an accent-one I've before though I can't place where. My mind is too foggy. But I still hear the words the voice utters.

"Her wounds will not be fatal if she is treated properly. See to it she is taken care of. I have use for her yet."

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