Chapter 13- Telmarine Hospitality

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I curtsy. "Your Majesty, it's an honor to be able to meet you."

He walks over to me, bending to kiss my hand. "The honor is mine." Leading me to the table, he continues to talk. "I was disgusted to find a young lady such as yourself among the Narnian troops. Has Narnia become to savage as to completely abandon chivalry?"

He pulls out my seat for me, I smile my thanks as I sit. "Oh no, my Lord. I'm sure if I had let them the Kings would have made me stay. But I'm afraid they understand that when I insist, well... there is no objecting." I give a little laugh to show him I was joking.

He smiles. "I see. When you say Kings you are not referring to Caspian, surely?"

I shake my head. "No. I am referring to two men quite different. Are you acquainted with Narnian tales, the Kings and Queen of Old?" Miraz nods. "I am referring to High King Peter the Magnificent and High King Edmund the Just. They have been highly loved and supported by Aslan since their time in the Golden Age, and his sovereign powers have brought them back to assists in Narnias... time of need, if you do not mind me phrasing it that way."

"Not at all." He assures me. "I can understand how it would be viewed that way by a Narnian. But surely, Lady Thalia, you can after the events of last night that the Narnians are a bit more savage than you last new them... So if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it you think you're fighting for, my Lady?"

"My home and my friends." I don't hesitate. "It has been a long time since I was here last, but my love for Narnia has not lessened."

I can tell I'm starting to get on Miraz's nerves. "Your friends you say? What friends? Caspian? He barely knows you, he has turned on his own people. High King Peter, who so kindly made an appearance in my chamber last night? He sent his army on a suicide mission. King Edmund? He has left you for dead." He hisses, rising from his seat and banging his hands on the table. "You have returned to a savage land, Lady Thalia. You will find even the Narnians are not as friendly as you remember. Do you really want to fight for a land that will leave you for dead without a moments hesitation?"

I stare at the table, absorbing his words, asking myself what would Edmund want me to say? If I were acting out this situation with Edmund, what would he tell me to do? I don't know. But I know what I would do if I wanted to annoy him so I go with that. I look Miraz straight in the eyes, he has returned to his seat, sure he has won. 

And I give him my answer in the steadiest voice I can manage. "No."

He smiles. "Very good. Now that we are on the same page, I am sure you know what I really brought you here for. I want information, Thalia Rose."

"Don't call me that." I say. "And I know what you want. You want to know where the Narnian base is. I can't tell you, but I can show you. Send a soldier or two with me then you have other people who know the way and I can go back to the Narnians. You'll have someone on the inside."

Miraz strokes his beard. "I suppose that could be reasonable." Just then a servant comes into the room. "Lord Miraz, Your Majesty. A scout has spotted the Narnian base in the woods."

Miraz smiles. "Aaaah, Lady Thalia. That cues the end of our wonderful time together. I'm afraid you have ceased to be useful." My eyes go wide and I stand to maybe make a run for it. Sopespian, who I had forgotten was even there, grabs my arm. Miraz continues. "I must confess, I am rather impressed by your diplomacy skills. You nearly had me convinced." With a wave of his hand, he dismisses me. "Sopespian, you know your orders."

Sopespian smiles at me. "We're going to have a bit of fun, my Lady."


My dress had been beautiful. I'm pretty sure it wasn't anymore. By the fifth time Sopespian has struck my with the whip, the back of the dress was half gone. I hadn't known a whip could do that much damage, whippings had been rare in Narnia. But I now knew how much they stung. By the fifteenth stroke, the back of the dress was gone and there was only skin for the whip to tear away.

I cry out in pain as Sopespian strikes me again. He pauses. "I must say, Lady Thalia, you are stronger than I expected. Most men would be crying out for mercy."

I glare at him. "I don't want your mercy."

Sopespian shrugs. "You wouldn't have gotten any. There is no such thing as mercy for Narnians. Not from Telmarines and not from other Narnians. I mean, look at you. Here you are, a loyal servant to your country as where are they? They have left you for dead!"

"And so I wait for Aslan." I say. He scoffs.

"Aslan? Aslan?! He is a myth! He is a child's fairy tale! What is he going to do for you?" Sopespian leans in, I can feel his breath on my face. "He has abandoned you, and so have your so called friends." 

In the depth of my heart, I know he is right. I was on my own now. There was no one to save me. Aslan had not come to us yet, why should he come now? The Pevensies probably thought I was dead. I should just beg for mercy. Ask him to spare me. Make me a servant. He's still close, his breath on my face. I look up at him and I spit in his face. "Do your worst."

He grimaces and nods, bringing back his arm to strike me with the whip, I turn away, closing my eyes. I brace myself for the stinging pain. Instead I hear a grunt and Sopespian fall to the floor. I look up, my eyes opening in surprise. I stare in shock at the figure before me. 

"Well this has certainly been quite the adventure, hasn't it Thalia Rose?"


I made it pretty obvious but that's okay. It was fun to write. This whole chapter was fun, I must admit though it didn't go quite as I imagined. I took to long to get to this point and had to cram to much into one chapter. I'm about to go over how many chapters I outlined for and I'm rather nervous about it for no good reason. But anyway, what did you guys think? Did you like it? Did ya? Did ya? Comment and let me know? Please? PLEASE? 

>>Adry Grace

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