Rescue Pt4/Ambreigns

Start from the beginning

A little later everyone was in the command center watching the screens, as Grant sent the robot into the building. It took pictures and sent them to Grant's computer; he examined the structure and found some of the main supports were damaged. The robot found Dean and even through the black and white camera they could tell he was in bad shape. Thanks to the robot's tracking system, the computer would be able to give them a map to his location. After Grant told them they could see him with the camera, but were only able to talk to him through the radio, he left them alone to talk to him, while he went over everything with his team. Roman and Seth talked to Dean for a few minutes and learned that he had already met Grant at a previous bomb site after Grant returned and overheard them. Grant began explaining what they learned, but was cut off by the building collapsing again. After everything settled the camera was down and all that came from Dean's radio was static and the occasional sound of debris settling. Grant tried to get the camera to respond, but like the radio it remained silent.

Grant explained that the support beams let go, Roman panicked thinking Dean was dead. Grant wouldn't let them think like that and told them he was going to try and reboot the robot; hoping it wasn't damaged. Seth took Roman outside to give Grant space to work. Once outside they sat on the curb, hidden by the command center and held each other, as they cried; scared they just watched Dean die! Seth tried to be strong for Roman; the only thing keeping him from completely losing it too was what Grant had said about there being a chance Dean was still alive! As long as there was still a chance...even a tiny one, they wouldn't give up on getting Dean out! While Grant's team worked on trying to find Dean, Grant was in the command center with Seth, trying to get the robot back online. As they worked, Roman paced outside, holding the radio tightly. Dean had been quiet since the building collapsed the second time and Roman was scared he had been killed. Suddenly Dean spoke, Roman rushed inside to tell Seth and Grant, they talked to him and as they did the robot finally responded. As they talked Dean made them both promise not to do anything stupid and let Grant and his team do their job.

An hour later they waited in the command center for Grant to get back from talking to his team; Dean had gone silent again and wouldn't respond. Finally Grant returned and tried the robot, it came on and they checked for new damage, taking pictures as it searched for Dean. It found him and they discovered he was covered in more debris and they knew if they didn't get him out soon he wouldn't make make the night! As they examined Dean they discovered he was struggling to breathe, Grant told them it was caused by a combination of his injuries, the debris and a lack of oxygen. Roman and Seth asked how long he had and Grant told them he wouldn't make it any longer than three...maybe four hours. As they talked one of Grant's men rushed in carrying blueprints of the school and told them they knew where Dean is. They looked at the blueprints and Grant told him about the debris on Dean and they came up with a plan to go in after him. The guy left to get the rest of the team briefed and suited up, before Grant left he promised Roman and Seth that he was going to get Dean out! After he left them, they hugged knowing Dean only had four hours left, time was running out and they were helpless to stop it! Roman hoped Grant would be able to keep his promise and bring Dean back to them! His thoughts were interrupted by Seth coming out to let him know that Grant and his team were almost ready to go in after Dean.

"Hey, Ro." Seth said, as he walked up to him. "It's time, they're ready to go in after D."

"Where are they?" Roman asked, as he stood.

"They're near the school, they're just finishing up their briefing." Seth answered, as they began walking to join them.

Once there they stood off to the side, listening as Grant instructed his team on what they were going to do; the press and bystanders watched and heard it all. As he spoke Grant saw them and nodded to acknowledge them, they nodded back. After he finished talking his team headed to the school. On his way past Grant stopped and talked to Roman and Seth promising they'd get him out. He then told them that they could watch the entire rescue on the monitor; Grant was wearing a body camera, they could also communicate with him through his radio. They thanked him and after telling him to be careful he left and they went inside the command center. As they did they looked at the Dean's monitor and froze, as they starred at his lifeless body. For a few heart-stopping seconds they thought he was dead, until they saw the soft rise and fall of his chest and knew he was still alive. While Seth turned on his radio and Grant's camera, Roman stood by the door starring at Dean and even though he knew Dean wouldn't answer, he spoke to him gently letting him know help was coming.

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