"Your number is 34." I said, handing her the receipt.

Kellan, one of my co-workers, took over the register while I took my break. This job is a bummer, but as long as I'm getting paid, it works. I fixed myself a burger and got some fries. I sat outside on the curb and ate my food. I hope that I can get a better job than this soon. If I keep eating fast food like this, I'll turn out like that lady.

My phone rang and I groaned in frustration. Why on my lunch break? I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked to see it was Hayden calling. I reluctantly answered, not wanting to put up with her right now.

"What do want?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. No need to be so mean."

"I'm always mean. What is it?"

"When school starts back up, could you watch Brandon? I know you work, but I don't know your hours. So, can you?"

"No, I can't. I work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm."

I heard her sigh. What did she do when I wasn't here? She had to have taken him to a daycare, right?

"You don't have a daycare he can go to?" I asked.

"I could take him to the one I used last year, but he didn't seem to like it."

"He's one, how could he not like the daycare? Don't they have toys and a TV?"

"Yeah, but..."

"That's all he needs. That stuff should keep him entertained."

"Fine. Thanks for the suggestion."
"The suggestion? You're planning on using a different daycare?"

"If I can find a better one, yeah. If you saw this place, you'd understand why I don't like it."
"I'll go and see with you today after work, okay?"

"Sure. I'll meet you at McDonalds."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I hung up and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. Kristie stared at me with an expectant look.

"What?" I asked her.

"So what did he say?"

"I'm showing him the daycare after he gets off from work."

"Well at least he's taking the time to look at the place? It shows he cares a little."

Kristie and I got some lunch since we were both getting hungry. Also it was time for Brandon to eat. I ordered from Subway while Kristie got chicken from Popeye's.

"What time does Drake get off from work?" Kristie asked me.

"4:00, why?"

"Because I was thinking you could meet this guy tonight. He has no problem with women with children. He's a friend of Joey's. I met him first to make sure he's alright, and he's perfect for you. And we sort of set a date for the two of you. Tonight at 6:00 at McFarland's Pub."

"Why would you do that? I don't even know this guy and you set us a date? Does he even want to meet me?"

"Yes he wants to meet you. He's single and looking, and so are you. The two of you are perfect for each other."

"I can't believe you. I'll meet the guy, just so I won't be rude and stand him up."

"Thank you! You're the best."

After Kristie and I shopped at the mall, I headed over to McDonalds to pick up Drake. He really needs his own car. It's be a lot easier. I pulled into the small parking lot and saw Drake leaning against the building. He looked up at me and came over.

My Baby's DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now