Unexpected Guest [Ch. 2]

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Little Did Aiya knew The warewolf she saved was The Heir of The Warewolf Kingdom. Sometimes helping someone comes with a price.

|Aiya Sakamaki |

" Aiya!? "

I bolted out of my bed and opened the door to see a scared Ayato. I look at the wall clock. 5:30 PM I glared at him and he nervously chuckled.

" Aiya there is something strange in that room "

I nearly laughed at Ayato-nii but kept my mouth shut. Ayato-nii explain about strange sound and growled. I ignored most of his words since I'm still sleepy as Hell.

" There "

Ayato-nii pointed to the guest room. I opened the door and the wolf jump on Ayato-nii. I just realized something. I kept a guest here without the permission of Shuu-nii.

Ayato-nii screamed like a princess that wake up 5 angry brothers. When they saw the situation they watched him scream his head off while we eat popcorn.

" Don't just eat there help me! "

I chewed the sweet flavored popcorn. I swallowed it and said.

" we don't see the almighty Ore-sama scream his head off "

The guys soon laughed but soon the wolf got off of the past out Ayato-nii. The wolf shifted back to his human form. The brothers except Ayato-nii went to protective mode.

" I'm sorry for causing a commotion early in the morning. "

I didn't expect that nor did my brothers.

" I am Kaoru Kitamura. The Heir to the Warewolf Kingdom. I would like to thank Princess Aiya for helping me um.... Exterminate the Hunter "

The brothers started at awe. I smiled and patted his head. I can feel the brothers tension changed.

" Well I think you better be going now. " Reiji said.

I look at Reiji-nii and the brothers. They seem to agree with Reiji-nii that they kicked Kaoru out. I place my hand on his shoulder and gave him an apologetic smile.

" See you again Princess "

I walked back to the mansion.

" Can't wait "

I replied back. While entering the mansion I saw my brothers unapproved expression clearly on their faces.

" You will not be seeing that wolf again " Shuu said.

" For once I agree with The Lazy Dead Beat " Agreed Reiji.

" He nearly ripped my head off! " Ayato said.

" and it was hilarious " Kanato said.

I sighed and hugged each of my brothers.

" It's getting late. You should all go to sleep. "

We all soon went back to our rooms when the main phone suddenly rang. I went out and answered the phone.

" Hello. " I said.

" Is this one of the Sakamaki? "

" Yeah who Is this if I may ask? " I said clearly annoyed.

" Oh you don't need to know me. But my daughter will be living with you today. "

" Hey - "

The man hang up and I went to the living room. I waited patiently for a human. I dislike human.

" Hello ~ "

I look at the human. Pale skin and blonde hair but the only thing strange about her is her pinkish eyes. I teleported behind her which made her scream.

" Weak. " I said.

" How did you get their. " She said with a hint of nervousness.

" I was already here. " I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

" I am Yui Kumori my Father sent me here. " She said.

" I am Aiya Sakamaki " I said not paying attention to her name.

I called for the butler to bring her luggage to her room. The brothers arrived quite surprised with our sudden guest.

" Who are you mortal " Reiji said while pushing his glasses up.

" I'm Yui Kumori. " She bowed.

" So first you brought a mut then a human " Ayato-nii said clearly annoyed by me.

" Why do you call me human? Aren't you one? " Yui asked.

' how is she so dumb. Can't she see the fangs when we talk. '

" Well Kumori-san we aren't humans we are - " Reiji said but was cut off by Yui.

" Vampires. " Yui continued.

" Bingo " I smirked.

Yui back up and tripped over air.... I can hear Kanato-nii hugging his teddy tighter while laughing at Yui. The brothers eyes soon turned bright red since Yui ended up scraping her knee through a soft carpet.

She was obviously shaking. She took something out of her pocket that made me almost laugh.

" Take that! " She said acting brave.

We all sweatdrop and the brothers soon laughed.

" You believe in such fairy tail. A cross or sunlight does burn Vampires but A a sword in the heart can kill us. " I said.

When I turned back To Yui she started running. The brothers soon smirked and teleported after her. I sat down on the couch and waited for trouble.

The screams of Yui was obviously heard around the mansion. I sighed annoyed when something heavy dropped. I teleported to her room and found her their standing looking outside a window.

" Who are you " Yui asked.

" I'm Cordelia "

I took my dagger and saw her. A woman with purple hair and eyes that filled with evil. Yui soon collapsed on me and I ended up carrying her.

I place her on the pink bed.

' should I tell them? '

I returned to my room and fall on my bed. The nice soft fluffy pillow was like heaven. I gave out a sigh and fell asleep.





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