I felt in that moment that he wanted someone to understand him other then his own sister, and I did. I understood him completely about how he felt because I felt the same way. I felt lost and lonely, but at least he had Daisy... I had no one.

Sadness took over me again just thinking about being alone. I always had someone to comfort in. What would I do now that I had no one to take care of me except myself? Tears already were pouring down my face as I felt someone crawl near me and wrap their arms around me in a hug, I hugged back.

Whipping the tears away with the back of my hand I lifted my head off of his shoulder, "I guess we are lucky then that now is not the future," We both laughed. He then pulled back and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Can you promise me something..."

"Chloe, My name is Chloe." I smiled up at him and he smiled back

"Lucas, my name is Lucas. So, can you promise me something Chloe?" I nodded my head, and he continued, "To try and always bring the vampires down, the prince included." I didn't have to think about it much longer, the answer was perfectly clear. If I didn't want anyone else's parents to die because of the monsters I had to try and bring them down.

"Yes," I replied

He hugged me to him again. "Good, at least now I can die in peace." That phrase made me jump right out of his arms in an instant.

"What are you talking about?" He wasn't seriously thinking about dying was he? Because right now all I had was him and his sister.

"I already told you, this is a blood drive for vampires. Greg is taking us to a surprise destination to be fed on as food." He crossed his arms over his chest like he already talked about it a million times before.

"Yea, but wouldn't Greg die too?" Nothing was making sense.

"No, because think about Greg as a waiter. He delivers the food, gets paid, and leaves."

"So he is just going to leave us to die!?"

"Precisely," he threw his hands up in the air like he finally remembered the name of the song he was thinking about.

"So then why would you die in peace knowing that I would help the 'Saving Humans Cause' when I am going to die too?"

"I like the sound of that." He laid down putting his hands behind his head.

"The sound of what? You like the sound of me dying!?" Lucas was getting on my last nerve.

"No, I like the sound of 'Saving Humans Cause' that means what we are doing already has a name standing behind it, and don't worry you won't die. I'll help you find a way to stay alive." I stared at him seeing if there was any signs of him lying, but he looked so sure of himself that I believed him.

I guess in the end I did end up living, and he didn't, but not the way that we both expected it to.

Some part of the ride we both fell asleep and woke up when Greg told us that we arrived at the surprise destination that Lucas told me about. How did he know all about this anyways?

"Lucas..." I nudged him on the side to try and get his attention.

"Yea..." He looked at me confused as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

"How do you know so much about Greg?" I felt so much better now that I asked the question.

Lucas looked distant for a little bit then looked away from me. Then as if he were disgusted he replied, "He's my uncle."

I gasped.

Before I could ask any other questions we arrived at a small cabin that I never seen before. The outside looked cozy, but the inside definitely wasn't. When we walked in 3 vampires were waiting for us, and just like Lucas said Greg received the money and left. There really was no escape plan. What Lucas wanted me to do was jump out the window and run. I guess he forgot about the inhuman speed they had because one of the vampires jumped out the window and chased me till they grabbed me from behind and stuck their fangs right where my neck and my shoulder met. In the near distance I heard two ear piercing screams and knew who they belonged to right away.

Lucas and Daisy.

I felt my energy start to go away, but instead of dying I passed out from blood loss. When I woke back up there was no one anywhere, and me being the stupid one I was I walked back to the building with the vampires.

At the time I didn't realize that vampires only use homes for temporary purposes because they don't want people to track them down, so I got lucky. When I walked into the cabin the two bodies were laying dead on the ground. But the part that shocked me was Greg was sitting next to them with a needle taking blood from both their arms. When he saw me come in it was like he saw a ghost, or thought I actually turned into a vampire. He was shaking in fear until he came to the conclusion that I wasn't because the fang marks would have gone away, I would be pale, and it takes three days to turn into one fully.

I should have pretended I was dead, and then maybe I still wouldn't be stuck with Greg for the next two years after that.

Apparently I didn't die because vampires couldn't stick there fangs deep enough into my neck to turn me into one, or kill me. So I was the lucky one that got to stay with the vampire helper. Yeah me, not.

There had been more kids that second year that hopped on board the Blood-bag, and every one of them I warned about Greg's selfish ways and the 'Saving Humans Cause.' But I guess it didn't matter in the later because they all died anyways. No matter how much I tried to help. And after every vampire location we went to, there was no way for me to escape. Because when the vampires left, thinking everyone was dead in the household. They would leave, but Greg would always be right there to throw me back in the truck. There was no way of escaping Greg, only death. I thought about it once but realized It was just selfish. After everyone who tried to keep me alive it wouldn't be fair to take my own life.

When Greg realized I was spreading my knowledge about his evil ways. The third year-this year- he stopped picking up other children and just kept me. It has been really lonely not talking to anyone for a while, but now I didn't have to witness as many deaths as I had before.

Right now Greg was going on his bathroom break. I would have been able to go to if it weren't for the last time he let me I tried to escape. So now I just get coped up in the back of the truck with a bucket. Isn't he just thoughtful?

The door in the front opened and slammed shut indicating that Greg was done with his potty break.

"Guess what darling." Greg said in a sickly sweet voice. I didn't respond. Now all I do is try to hide my emotions. There is no point because sometimes it feels like I don't have any anymore. "We are going to the castle today." My ears perked up slightly in confusion. Doesn't the prince already have a human to drink off of? Greg seemed to answer my question without even me having to ask, "You see the prince doesn't want to get his hands dirty and doesn't want to send his best men to fetch someone for him. So I'm delivering you to him for a bunch of money. Isn't that just wonderful!" Dang, he has never been this excited since he realized I was a reusable blood bag. I could imagine that big crooked smile on his face right now, but Im sure it would fall right off when he realized that the prince stays in the castle and doesn't move. So I will never leave, and that's what scared me the most.

Suddenly the car turned on and we were heading in the direction of the castle and away from the fishless lake.


I know there must be a lot of Grammar and spelling mistakes in this story, but it is my first story on here...

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