Captain Michael's Mortally Wounded.....

Start from the beginning

General Corsica. I don’t think so Jackson but, I love a good fight and man of honor. So if you wish to die by my blade then I will grant your wish.

He lunges at Michael again and Michael jumps back looses his footing and falls on his back. Phillipson sees Michael fall and know General Corsica’s ways and knows he senses victory, Phillipson thinks he must do something and quick. Just as General Corsica lunges forward to kill Michael he throws his blade and stabs the general mortally wounding him. The general falls to his death A Dutch soldier stabs Phillipson through the heart from behind and he dies instantly. A musketeer kills the soldier, then goes to the Captain’s aide.

Michael is mortally wounded they fear but take him back to his quarters and try to treat his wounds. The battle is almost all over and the French have won the biggest part to keep the King safe. Now only small battles are still raging on the outlands of Paris and near the shore of France.


RosePierre: Athos. Get the men and come back to the palace. You are needed there. We lost 20 men but the Dutch are all but defeated only small bands remain near the shores only and Paris. I need your help with patrols for now.

Athos; Where’s Michael? Isn’t he in charge?

RosePierre..Just do it! Kings orders! He rides off leaving a confused Athos behind.

Porthos: Was that RosePierre I saw riding away? Looking worried

Athos: Yes. Get Aramais and the men we must leave now. Kings ordes he says. He mounts his horse and begins to ride away


Athos didn’t answer just kept riding so Porthos didn’t know what to do so he told Aramais and the men that on kings orders they were to leave.

Aramais; Did Michael come?

Porthos. No, it was RosePierre himself?

Aramais: Where is Michael Porthos?

Porthos; I do not know. We’d better go. I fear something is wrong. Porthos mounts his horse and leaves.

Michelle heard some of what they were saying about Kings orders and wondering why Michael didn’t come himself. She thought it was because he didn’t love her and didn’t want to see her. So be it she thought and turned away from the window laid on her bed and cried herself to sleep again.



Aide One: Your majesty Michael can not come to the throne room. He has been mortally wounded in battle. They have him in his quarters but do not think he will make it. He’s unconscious and with fever.

King Louis XIV: Take me to him at once. He gets up and walks over  to his aide and they together walk over towards Michael’s quarters.

Once at Michael’s quarters the king walks in and goes to his bed side. Looking at the men who have been trying to care for Michael.

King Louis XIV: What are his chances? Looking concerned.

Musketeer One; Your majesty. I wish I could say they are good but I can’t stop his fever

Musketeer Two; He’s been stitched up and we gave him something for pain but it’s as if lost his will to live so..shrugging. Could only be matter of time now.

King Louis XIV Well you let me know the minute anything changes. You understand? Anything!!

Musketeer One: Yes your majesty. Bowing.

King Louis XIV: You are a good man Michael Jackson, you’ve served my father and I well. May you always know how appreciative I am. How indebted to you I am, France is. With that he turns and leaves with his aide close at his heels.

RosePierre: Walking in, How is he?

Musketeer One; shaking head, not good sire. I mean RosePierre.

RosePierre; Athos, Porthos and Aramais are on their way now from the House of Wilson.

Musketeer Two;  Gasping, The House of Wilson??!!

RosePierre; Yes? Why? Is the……

Athos: What happened?? Oh god!! Michael!! How is he?

Porthos: How did this happen?

Aramais: Who did it? I’ll have his head!!

RosePierre. It was General Corsica of the Dutch army but he’s dead. Phillipson killed him.

Athos; Good. So where is he now?

RosePierre; He’s dead. Killed trying to save Michael;

Porthos; Who killed him?

RosePierre: The Dutch soldier who killed him I killed.

Athos; You never answered my question. What are his chances?

Musketeer One; He’ doesn’t have much of a chance I’m afraid. He’s been mortally wounded. Lost lots of blood, a fever, and has lost his will to live Athos. It’s only a matter of time I’m afraid.

This saddedned Michael’s friends. They didn’t know what to do for him or how he would survive this. They sat with him through the night and prayed for his recovery. Come morning when Michael had not a woken, nor his fever been broken. Athos got mad and said he was going to find a way to end this. To save his friend. They were not needed anymore at the moment, the battles between the Dutch and the French armies were far away and the French were winning so it was time to save Michael regardless of the battles he felt. Storming out of Michael’s quarters Athos knew what he had to do. 

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