Chapter 15 " her happiness "

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[ EDITING LATER!! Seriously if you read this while listen to " Dream by Han Hee Jung " it sets the moods FRS ]

" we need to talk right now "
I waited in my office waiting for Mandy to arrive. I heard a knock on my door.
" what are you still doing here at the office "
She came over to hug me but I gently pushed her off me.
" we have to talk "
" about what "
" did you tell y/n that you were pregnant with my child "
She stayed quiet not answering my question. She didn't look me in the eyes
I clenched my fist and my teeth
" why would you do that "
She started crying looking at me
" I did it because I love you "
" how is that loving me "
" I did it so she would be gone and it would just be us again, I love you jimin and I had you first "
" because of what you did y/n thinks I have a child with you "
" please don't go back to her I love you and that's why I did it "
I was about to leave but she grab a hold onto my arms.
" please don't leave me, I love you Jimin please stay with me "
I yanked my arm away from her
" I'm sorry please go back and show up here ever again, I love someone else "
I left leaving Mandy behind crying. I just needed to see y/n right now. I came to her apartment. I knocked on her door but she didn't answer
" y/n, I know your in there please let me in "
I knocked again but she still didn't answer
" I want to talk, I need you to listen to me please "
She still didn't open the door for me. I knocked a couple more time but she open for me. I decided to just leave and talk to her in the morning at work. The next morning I came into work waiting for y/n to come. The moment she came into her department I called for her to come to my office. I heard a knock on my door.
" come in "
" mr. Park "
" y/n we need to talk "
" look if this all your going to say then I'm going to get back to work "
" no please "
I blocked her from the door trying to stop her
" I don't want to "
" well as your boss I demand you to "
" are you seriously demanding me right now "
" I just want you to listen to me please "
" no "
I locked the door blocking her from the door.
" JIMIN unlock the door right now "
" no not until you listen to me "
" fine you have 5min, talk "
" okay, about the whole pregnancy thing with Mandy it's not true, she lied about it "
" what do you mean "
" there is no child, she only said it to get you to go away, but I would really want a child just not with Mandy but you "
I came closer to her holding her placing my finger under her chin making her look at Me. She pushed my hand away stepping back from me
" even if this was all fake, I still don't want us to be together again "
" what why "
" because it's just not about the child but because you also hurt me a lot "
" I know and I'm sorry "
" saying sorry isn't going to heal the scars that were left "
" How can I show you that I love you "
" I don't need you to show me "
She unlocked the door leaving. I felt like my heart was just torn out.
Your POV
You still felt shaking in your arms and leg from the nervousness. It broke your heart having to reject him but it was for the best. He can so easily find someone else better then you. After that little talk you had with jimin he has nonstop trying to get you to talk to him. He calls you in every now and then everyday to come stay in his office and work on stuff. He was really trying so hard to get things back to the same It was. You really didn't mind if you two worked things out but you were also afraid. You were afraid of being hurt again. You didn't want the same thing to happen again to you. You saw sungjae and went to talk to Him.
" hey we haven't talk in a while "
" that's because your also busy "
" I know I'm sorry "
" so how's working for mr. Park "
" it's been a real hassle "
" well it does look like it, but it seems like something's up with you two "
" what's so you mean "
" a lot of employees have been saying you two are dating "
" what of course not, why would we be dating "
" I don't know, you tell me "
" I don't like him at all, their just rumours "
" are you sure there just rumours "
" of course, it's not true at all "
" are you sure, it seems like there is something here "
" okay maybe there is a little something "
" I knew it "
" okay even if there is anything it's over "
" so that thing he said about you being is wife was true "
" no, well half way true I'm his ex wife "
" that sounds interesting "
" how "
" an employee working for him and his ex wife "
" I know that sounds crazy "
" well just know if it doesn't work out I'm pretty husband material myself "
He winked at you making you blush and laugh at him.
" alright I'll be sure to call you "
He went left the printing room and went back to work. You really tried avoiding Jimin all day but he wouldn't leave you alone. The day was finally ending and you couldn't wait to just get home. Your car was finally fixed and you can drive without having to wait for a taxi. You decided to go visit Taehyung at his art studio. You came in hearing the bells jingle.
" Taehyung "
His smile brighten up from seeing you.
" what are you doing here "
" ohh nothing I feel like I never visit you enough "
" your right "
You lightly punched his arm making him chuckle.
" so how's things going "
" umm somewhat good somewhat bad "
" so did you two talk yet "
" yeah "
" so what happened "
" turns out the there is no child "
" what "
" Mandy made this while pregnancy up to get me to go away "
" how dare she "
" but it's whatever "
" so are you guys back together "
" not really "
" what do you mean "
" I didn't want to go back to him "
" why not "
" I'm so sure he loves me completely yet you know "
" then why don't ask him "
" I know I should but I also don't want to "
" oh "
" let's not talk about jimin, tell me about your art work "
Telling Taehyung to talk about his art work is something you never do because he would talk about it for hours and hours but it always makes you happy and laugh so you were up for it. You didn't notice the time and that it was getting late already. You looked outside and it was already dark.
" you should get going "
" okay "
" sorry if I bored you with my art talk "
" no I love it, it makes me happy to see you being happy doing what you love "
" and what about you "
" what do you mean "
" I want to see you happy as well "
" I am "
" no your not "
" what "
" I know your not happy, I know you want to be with jimin "
You broke eye contact looking at the ground.
" I really want you happy because I love seeing you that way "
He grabbed your chin lifting it up to make you look at him. You tears already streaming down your face. He grabbed you into a tight hug comforting you. You thought to yourself why can't you love a guy like Taehyung why does it have to be him. You started balling your eyes out making his shirt all soaked.
" why does this always happen to me, I didn't want this situation again "
Your voice cracked from the crying. Taehyung patting the back of your head
" I know, don't worry I just want you happy that's all "
After 20min of balling your feelings out you felt alittle but Better.
" you feel better "
" yeah, thanks "
" just remember I'm always still going to be here no matter what "
" thanks Taehyung "
You got up and left and decided to go home. You came seeing someone by your door waiting.
" Mandy what are you doing here "
She walked towards you and slapped you across your face. You held your Now burning cheeks
" because of you Jimin hates me now "
" how did you even find where I loved "
" That's not important right now, I'm here because of you Jimin hates me "
" I didn't do anything, your the one who lied "
" I hate you even from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you wanted to take jimin away from me "
" I never wanted to take him away things just happens "
" shut up with that crap, you're the one who messed things up you better stay stay away because this time I'm not going to be nice about it "
She left you came inside your apartment. Things are just getting harder and harder. You woke up the next morning coming into work Ignoring Jimin completely. You scanned your work ID and went to your department.
" y/n "
" sungjae, what's up "
" I'm sorry "
" what for "
" did a woman show up at your apartment yesterday "
" how did you know "
" because I told that woman where you lived "
" what "
" she threaten to fire me because she was Mr. Park's wife and I just couldn't pay to lose my job "
" it's okay sungjae, I understand "
" thank you "
He hugged you while you hugged him back.
I saw y/n and sungjae hugging making me angry and jealous. I went to my office and I was determine to have y/n talk to me about this because I really just want her back. I was going to try to talk to her after work. I counted each minute of the clock waiting for work to be over soon. After 8hours of waiting work was out and so was everyone. It also started raining again and I knew y/n didn't bring an umbrella. I came out seeing her waiting.
" y/n "
I called for her name but she turned to look at me and started running in the rain. I ran to catch up to her grabbing her by the arm.
" LET GO "
The rain was starting to get heavier making us all wet.
" you need to listen to me please "
She tried ruining away agin but I grabbed her by the waist pulling her in for a kiss. She struggled to get free from me. She pushed me away but I grabbed her closer to me kissing her lips again. She struggled to get free but stopped. She didn't kiss back but stayed still until I pulled away
" please listen to me "
" no JIMIN, I hate you and want you to be gone from my life forever "
" is that how you really feel "
She started crying seeing her made my heart hurt a lot.
" that's exactly what I want "
" will that make you happy "
" yes "
" fine then I'll be go away forever so you won't ever see me again "
I saw the car coming in so I started walking to the middle of the street.
I closed eyes waiting feeling the rain hit my Face the car getting closer.
" I'm doing what you want, going away forever "

[ CLIFF HANGER!! This story coming to an end soon! 😭😭 this was suppose to be a 10 chapter only but I got such good reviews from people I extended it. Thank you for all reading and giving me lots of compliments on my stories and encouraging me! You guys are the BEST BOOK BUNNIES 😘😍

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