Chapter 6 " the journey starts here "

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[ Sorry for the long wait but I'm finally back ] with a new chapter for this year 2017... sorry for an mistakes I'll edit later

Your POV
Jimin left the room and you felt bad having to drag with here when he didn't want to be here. You paid for the clothes and walked out seeing jimin.
" you ready "
" YUP "
You both came home and jimin was quiet the whole time he didn't even give you much of a glance. You guys came home with your mother in law saying she had news to tell you guys.
" so I'll be going away in a trip with my sister and if would really help if you two could babysit little jinyoung for her just for two days "
Jimin: " seriously "
" I'll love too "
You love babies and the idea of taking care of one would be fun.
" thank you so much "
Jimin: " hey don't I get a saying in this "
" no you don't Jimin "
The next day your mother in law dropped off her niece and his stuff.
" thanks again for watching him, and well be back soon "
You held the baby with care looking at him. Jimin walked over to you and looked at the baby.
" I don't know how to take care of a baby "
" it's okay jimin, I do so I'll take care of him "
You held the baby for while until he got hungry and started crying. Jimin kinda of freaked out a bit
" he's crying what are we supposed to do "
You kinda of laughed a bit at his reaction.
" Jimin he's just hungry "
" but the mothers not here "
" what do you mean "
" don't the baby eat from the you thing on a female "
" Jimin there's a thing call formula "
" what's that "
" it's like milk for the baby "
You showed jimin how it's done before feeding the baby the milk.
" how do you know all this stuff "
" I used to work at a babysitting centre "
After feeding the baby you placed the baby over your shoulder lightly patting his back.
" what are you doing now "
" I'm burping him so he doesn't throw up afterwards "
He watched carefully as you burped little jinyoung. After he burped you held him looking at his small little face.
" your want to hold him "
" uhh sure "
You carefully placed him in his arms while he held him. You couldn't take your eyes off of the picture in front of you. Jimin holding a baby while smiling. It hurt you a little knowing you won't be here long enough to actually see this again. Jimin suddenly made a scrunching face.
" what's that smell "
You came over and smelled the same smell.
" he probably did his business "
Jimin handed you jinyoung and you laid him down to change him. You opened his diaper and jimin covered his nose while bringing you the wipes. You wiped his little booty cleaned and put on a new clean one. You handed Jimin the dirty, while he looked at you
" why are you giving it too me "
" go throw it out please "
He covered his nose and held it with two fingers only.
" oh come Jimin, it's just not gonna get on you "
" I know but still "
He went out to through it out and came back.
" I think he's tired, I'm going to put him to sleep "
You laid him down on the bed while laying next to him. You lightly patted his tummy until he fell asleep. You also started getting tired and fell asleep.
I don't know taking care of a baby would be this hard. I sat down touching my phone while y/n went to put the baby to sleep. I waited for about 30min and decided to go check up on them. I opened the door seeing y/n sleeping next to jinyoung. I came in quietly seeing her asleep. I grabbed the blanket placing it over her and the baby. I didn't noticed I smile a bit. I stopped myself coming out of the room.
" I don't like her I hate her, I love Mandy not her "
I said that to myself before walking away. My mother and auntie was coming back today and y/n was getting my nephews stuff packed. She held him until my mother and them came back. I looked at her holding the baby looking at him as if it was hers. She smiled and somehow seeing that made me feel bad a bit. The door bell rang and my mother and auntie came back
" how was it "
" it was tiring "
" where's y/n "
" in the living room "
We walked to the living room my auntie running to hold her baby.
" thanks for watching little jinyoung for me "
" no problem "
They left and I can see sadness in y/n eyes. I then got a phone call from work
" hello "
" mr.park "
" yes "
" we need you at the office now it's an emergency "
" I'll be there soon "
I looked at y/n once before getting dress and hurrying to the office. I came in the office and everyone looking at me.
" what's wrong "
I looked at my workers who had fear in their eyes
" t-the contract is gone "
" which one "
" the one with gaze company " 
" sorry sir "
I left the company feeling stress and angry. I came home feeling the stress and angry inside of me. I came into my room and slammed the door shut and the only person I could thing of right now is Mandy. I called her asking her to meet up with me because I was too stress. I sat on my bed ruffling my hair when y/n came in
" a-are you okay jimin "
" I'm fine "
" do you need too talk "
" I'm sorry I was just concern "
I saw fear in her eyes but I didn't care at This point.
" I don't know what your problem is I was just trying to help "
I got up and starting walking towards her. She started walking backwards until her back hit the door.
" my problem is you, I don't like you nor love you and I don't need you to be concern for me because I never wanted to marry you, I marry you only because my mother forced me. I hate that your my wife and you are a good digger only marrying me for money "
I felt a hand slapped across my face. I looked at y/n who was already trenched in tears.
" you think I wanted I marry you, I didn't want to marry you either I only married you because of stupid situations. If I could pay it off myself I wouldn't even have married your rude ass. You rich people think I marry you only for the money but I didn't "
She walked out of the room crying and left.
Your POV
You went for a walk feeling the cold air hit your face making the tears cold. You called Taehyung because you really just needed him right now.
" hello y/n "
" Taehyung ah "
You cried through the phone
" what's wrong ? "
" my life is so shity right now "
" were are you "
You told him where you were and 15min later he arrived. You ran up toe hug him tightly.
" what happened "
" I hate my life and I wish to be dead "
" don't say that, don't ever say that tell me what happened "
" ji- "
You didn't even get his name out before Taehyung was already angry
" of course, that disgusting man did this too you "
He hugged you tightly while you cried into his chest.
" are you okay, did he hit you "
" no, he just yelled at me for trying to help him and calling me rude names "
" UGHH that guy, I hate him already "
" I really wish I can escape now "
" why don't you "
" I can't Taehyung "
" I can't see you suffer any longer "
" you are the best Taehyung "
You looked at him, but suddenly felt his hand cup your cheeks. He kept pulling you closer. His lips just inches away from yours. You moved your head to the side rejecting his kiss.
" what's wrong "
" I just can't "
" why not, don't you like me "
" yes, but I can't I'm married "
" yeah but he doesn't even love you and you are leaving in the next 9months "
" still this isn't right "
" what do you like him "
You stayed quiet now answering his question.
" you like him "
" I guess I do "
" why do you like someone who doesn't even love you "
" I don't know Taehyung "
" whatever, I'll take you home "
" Taehyung please don't be mad "
" I'm not mad "
" I know you are "
" let's go "
You followed behind Taehyung and the ride home was quiet. You reach the front of your house
" Taehyung, I'm sorry please don't be mad "
" I said I wasn't mad "
You opened the door looking at him once before closing it. He left without another word. You came home and everyone was sleeping. Jimin wasn't home he was probably with Mandy. You ended falling asleep on the couch in his room.
Jimin POV
I decided to go out and drink with Mandy. We came to this club and I sat at the bar the whole time.
" jimin, when are out going to divorce that wife of yours "
" soon baby "
I pulled in by the waste and kissed her but something wasn't right. I pulled away looking at her
" what's wrong "
" uhh nothing I guess I was just stressed out "
" want me to help you relived that stress "
Her hands roam my chest while she kissed my neck. I pushed her back and looked at her
" let's just drink "
" alright "
By the end of the night I was down by 8 shots of liquor. I was drunk already but could kinda of still function. Since Mandy was still sober I had her drive me car home while I took a cab. I got in the cab telling the cab driver The location. I Finally arrived home stumbling in my steps. I opened the door to my room. I threw my jacket on the floor. I came in seeing y/n sleeping on the couch. I remember what I had said to her and felt a little bit bad. I walked over to her seeing her sleeping. She turned around while talking in her sleeping a bit
" Mom, please don't leave me "
I saw her tears steaming down her eyes. I felt so much Guilt take over me.

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