Chapter 8 " all I want is to be yours "

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I felt bad for leaving her and making her take the cab home. I came to the hospital and went to where Mandy was.
" jimin "
She hugged me the minute she saw me
" what happened "
" I fell while practicing "
" you need to be more careful "
The doctor came in the room
" are you her husband "
" no boyfriend "
" okay well we need you to sign some papers, and don't worry she's fine just a minor sprain in her ankle she will be fine "
" thank you doctor "
I went to sign off some papers before heading back to Mandy.
" let's get you home "
" okay "
I helped her off the bed and helped her on the wheel chair before rolling her out. We got to my car and I helped her get inside before the nurse took the wheel chair back. Mandy placed her hand on mine and smiled at me. But all I could really think about was y/n. I feel bad for making her take the cab home. I came to her house and helped her inside. I was about to leave but she stopped me
" stay with me "
" okay "
I sat down on the couch with her while she snuggled into my arms.
" Jimin, why haven't you been calling me lately "
" sorry I've just been busy "
" I miss you "
" me too "
" I love you jimin "
She moved to look at me
" do you love me too "
" I- love you too "
She leaned in and kissed my lips but I didn't respond back to her. She kissed down my neck and I lightly pushed her off.
" let's just cuddle for now okay "
" why are you being like this "
" being like what "
" why do you keep pushing me away "
" I told you I'm just stress that's all "
" is it because of her "
" of course not "
I cupped her cheeks making her look at me.
" I love you "
She smiled at me and snuggled back into my arms.
Your POV
You came home sitting on jimin bed looking sound seeing pictures of him and Mandy everywhere. He must really love her a lot. He has pictures of them everywhere. You felt a tear stream down your eyes and quickly wiped it away. You really wish you could just be the girl jimin loves for a bit. You laid on his bed smelling his fresh scent still on his pillow. You laid here wishing when you will ever get to sleep next to him on the same bed and cuddle with him. You only have 8months to spend here with him. You heard a car pull up and saw jimin with Mandy in the car. He got out while she stayed in the car waiting. You quickly got off his bed and went to sit on the couch. He came in the room and saw you sitting there. He coughed to get your attention
" hey y/n "
" how's Mandy is she okay "
" yeah but I think I will have to spend a couple of days there to help her out "
That broke your heart into pieces.
" ohh okay "
" please don't tell my mother just say I went on a business trip "
He grabbed some of his clothes and left. You waited until he left completely before letting all your tears out. You ended up sleeping on jimins bed tonight. You woke up the next morning looking around the room before you got up. You got dressed and cleaned yourself up before going down stairs seeing your mother in law.
" where jimin "
" he uhh "
You felt bad that you had to lie to your mother in law.
" he will be gone for a while "
" alright let's eat "
You ate breakfast and it was delicious your mother in law is so kind that she reminds you of your own mother. After breakfast you insist on helping cleaning up but she wouldn't let you.
You went back inside the room to grab your phone but saw something. It was the contract you signed from the beginning when you two first got married. You set it down on the table and left it there not putting it back. You came down stairs but your mother in law had things to take care of so you stayed home. You decided to call Taehyung to hang out with him.
" hey Taehyung let's hang out today I miss you "
" okay "
you went to meet up with Taehyung and being with him makes you feel way better. You loved being around him. You guys went to the area where all the street foods were and ate until you were full. He never failed to make you laugh. You guys found a bench to rest on.
" so what happened the other day "
" oh it's fine I guess "
" where is he now "
" with Mandy "
" only for a couple of days because she her herself "
" he is such a jack ass, he always leave you alone but hers mad when your here "
" it's okay Taehyung "
He moved the piece I hair behind my ears and looked at me
" I know your not okay y/n I know your hurting inside. I can see it in your eyes and I know you don't like hurting people but sometimes you have to be selfish and think about your self sometimes "
You started crying the moment he said that to you. He pulled you in to cry on his shoulders
" just let it all out "
You cried until you finished crying, making this shoulder all drenched in my tears
" sorry "
" don't be, I'm always here for you "
Taehyung dropped you off home, you hugged him once before he left. You came inside seeing your mother in law upset
" if something wrong "
" how could you two do this too me "
" do what "
She placed the contract in front of your face and your eyes widen.
" how did you did find that "
" I saw it on the table when I went inside your guy's room "
" I'm sorry "
" I'm so upset at jimin for doing this, where is he now "
" he's uhh "
" tell me "
You didn't want to bust jimin out because he would be mad at you.
" he's at her house isn't he "
Your mother in law got up and told the driver to go to her house. You got inside the car and followed your mother in law. We pulled up too the front of Mandy's house and you were really afraid of what's going to happen. She rang the door bell and jimin opened the door.
" mother "
Jimin looked at you but you didn't want to make eye contact with him at all.
" how could you make y/n sign this divorce paper "
" how did you find out "
He looked straight at me with anger in his eyes. Mandy came too see what the fuss was all about.
" no I didn't please believe me jimin "
" and you why do to keep messing around with my son and don't yell at her "
You were really afraid you have never seen Jimin this angry before.
" I'm sorry jimin "
" I'm disappointed in you jimin, why would you do this too y/n "
" I already told you mother that I never wanted to marry y/n "
Your mother slapped jimin across the face making you shocked.
" I didn't raise you to be like this, you are not my son "
Your mother left crying leaving you behind. Jimin came close to you with anger in his eyes. He grabbed your arm making you look at him
" I was wrong about you, I was starting to think you weren't so bad but I was wrong "
" jimin please listen too me please "
You grabbed a hold of his arm but he yanked his arm away.
" get out here I don't ever want too see you here "
He slammed the door in your face making you feel like trash. He didn't even listen too what you had to say.

[ WOOHOO. I know JIMIN is being a butthole right now but just wait I have big plans for the next chapters ]

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