Chapter One

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HI EVERYONE!! I really hope you like this first chapter! If I get any signs that anyone is interested in reading this, I'll add chapters 2 and 3 which are very exciting! Please tell me if you liked it because I want a lot of readers. I'm excited for this fanfic and I really hope other people read and like it!

I huffed as I slung my arm across my bed to hit the snooze button on my relentless alarm. Getting up for work at 5:00 every morning was never on my list of things I wanted to do when I grew up. I rolled out of my one and only safe haven and trudged towards the bathroom. I winced when I saw my reflection in the mirror-- I was never one of those girls that got out of bed looking perfect. I turned on my radio as I got in the shower.

After I was done drying my hair, I walked into my room to check my phone. I had 10 messages...all from Tyler of course.

"Girl you better get that cute booty out of bed so you can wish me good luck! :)"

"What should I wear? Cardigan or sexy v-neck???"

"GRACEEE this is the most important day ever omg wake up!!"

This would have made me confused if it wasn't for the fact that Tyler was like this 24/7. I couldn't remember who he was interviewing today, but I didn't care. I texted back:

"Sorry, shower. Cardigan I guess"

I laughed to myself at his overwhelming personality and walked back to finish getting ready. I could already tell it would be a long day.

I unlocked the door to the building and walked inside. "Good morning Amanda!" I said to the sweet young girl working at the front desk. She seemed really nervous. "Hey Grace!!! How do I look?" I examined her appearance. She wore a short, tight dress that barely reached below her butt. Her hair was perfectly straightened and her makeup was slightly over-done. Why was she trying so hard? "You look great!" I said. She giggled and kept texting away to what seemed like ten different people. As I walked through the building, I couldn't help but notice that every female was looking as good as they possibly could, and began to be nervous as I looked down at my attire. I was wearing the usual; a baggy sweatshirt with leggings and my knock-off boots. The only thing I ever did was sit in my office by myself all day and write for the magazine, so my job didn't require dressing up. Like ever. At least I curled my hair this morning.

I heard a few shrills as I walked into my office. Was it Bieber day? Justin Timberlake? No, I definitely would have remembered those days. Maybe today was Zac Efron? Shit, I hope not. I would be the one to have to meet the hottest celebrity in the world wearing sweats. I sat in my chair and began to login to the website. Before I could begin sifting through the papers on my desk, my door was slung open and I jumped. Tyler, of course, was wearing a purple v-neck under a gray sweater, with skinny capris rolled up with black vans. His white-blonde hair was styled to near perfection. He might as well have stamped "I'M GAY!!" on his forehead. The one thing that took me by surprise, though, were the tears streaming down his red and blotchy face.

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