Chapter Two

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Okay, sorry for the boring and awfully-written first chapter, but thank you for reading it! This is where the boys start to show up so hopefully it will get a lot more exciting. Thanks!


"Tyler...what's wrong?" I asked. He just kept sobbing and sobbing while the remainder of the office was drawn in by his soft yet distinctive cry/whine. "Tyler, calm down and tell me what's going on." I said. Very slowly, his tears toned down just enough so that he could utter a few words. "Stephanie fucking dropped me." he said. "Dropped you? You mean from today's interview? Why?" I asked. This had never happened before. Ever. Tyler was always the number one choice for any of the big interviews because of his own "popularity" on social media, and it was very obvious that this was one of those interviews. James, the even more flamboyant employee at Popmuse! that always seemed to be in someone else's business, popped his head into my office and said, "Haven't you been on twitter lately?" Annoyed at the fact that no one would just tell me what was happening, I replied rather rudely. " Why is that important?" Tyler, mad that the attention wasn't 100% focused on him at the time, yelled, "MY BOYS, GRACE! MY BOYS!" He ran out of the room, crying louder than I thought humanly possible. Before I could do anything else, my phone rang. I shooed James out of my office as I answered. "Hello?" I said, probably sounding as irritated as I felt. "Grace. Come to my office ASAP. Code red." It was my coffee-addict boss, Stephanie. I jogged to her office and sat down. "Will someone please explain to me what is going on?" I asked. Stephanie looked like she hadn't slept in years. After chugging a ginormous gulp out of her 'Don't touch me' coffee mug, she spat, "I've been getting calls all night about Tyler's incident. The boys' management refuse to do the interview with Tyler, of course as recommended by the band. I told him he couldn't do the interview and he FREAKED. Which, as we both know, isn't a surprise at all. Anyways, the interview must go on...Popmuse! needs this worse than Amanda needs make-up remover. You're the only other employee here that I trust will do a great job. Here's the address, the interview is in half an hour, and I'll see you later. I'll email you the questions. Now get out of my office I have a billion phone calls to make." Why the hell was everyone expecting me to know exactly what was happening? I quickly walked out of her office and got my things from mine. If this interview was really that important that she hired ME for the gig, I couldn't risk my job for being late. I hopped in my dinosaur of a car and prayed it would even start. After a few gut-wrenching cranks, I started going. I plugged my GPS into the car and dialed Amanda. She would know exactly what was happening and would gladly assist me. "Hello?" her bubbly voice answered. "Amanda. It's me, Grace. I need you to search 'Tyler Oakley' on twitter and find out why he can't do this interview today." I could almost here her typing faster than you can imagine. After about ten seconds, I heard her voice go from normally loud and obnoxious, to incredibly loud and obnoxious. "OH MY GOSH! HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN!!! Last week Tyler tweeted Liam back after he tweeted Willie from that show Duck Dynasty. He thought Liam was saying he didn't like gay people so he got all pissed...long story short, Liam went on another rant on twitter and totally slashed Tyler. He was so mad at everyone but of course the fans supported Liam, so Tyler lost all these followers and all the other boys unfollowed him too! They hate him did you not hear about this?!" I tried to recover from the fastest and most confusing explanation I had ever received, and overwhelmed, I just hung up. I replayed everything that had happened today in my head. "MY BOYS, GRACE!" His boys? That could be anyone. Wait...Liam. Band. His boys. His...boys. HIS BOYS. Holy shit. I was on my way to an interview with One Direction.

remember (Harry Styles fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя