Chapter 28

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The sides of the cardboard box started to cave in.

I glanced down as my fingers sank into the material, shredding straight through it like it was made of tissue. Suspicion twisted my gut and even as I knew the box was seconds from falling apart, my fingers were still curling into fists, my control inching closer and closer to breaking point.

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was playing us — playing me.

Why the hell would he just give me a weapon? I tried to remember exactly what happened that night from the moment we left TDN, but all I could focus on was how he'd given chase.

Shot at me.

Hunted me.

"I mean it this time, Juliet. Stay away..."

"Thomas," Michael said in a low voice as our group spilled out into the carpark. "Theo and Juliet are with you. If you run into any trouble..."

"I know," Thomas returned with a deferential nod. He touched my elbow, attempting to steer me toward his car, but I knocked his hand away.

"I can walk," I snarled.

Michael eyes narrowed warningly in my direction and it took everything I had not to hurl the damn box at him and say, "Fuck this." I bristled with anger as my nails dug into the cardboard even more, sending little pieces of brown the ground in a flurry.

Theo, Theo, Theo...

He stared at me at me for a long moment, his expression shuttered and cold before he finally said in a hard voice, "I'll deal with you later."

Even though I was beyond pissed off, I would have been an idiot not to recognise the threat in his voice. I gritted my teeth and twisted around, my spine rigid and my grip on the cardboard so tight that both sides were in tatters.

I could pick my battles and right then, 'Later' sounded like a promise.

Thomas guided me to a second car along with Theo, Rhys and another guy called Arran. I shoved the box on top of the other bits and pieces that had been piled into the boot, wincing as the bottom finally gave out and a shampoo bottle rolled out and fell onto the concrete.

Swearing under my breath, I leaned down to grab it. In my periphery, I watched as Michael climbed lithely into the first car with Mia, who slid into the driver's side. Even through the glass, I could make out the way his face softened when he looked at her, the coldness fading from his eyes.

My anger spiked and I slammed the boot down harder than I intended. Thomas flinched.

The drive back into Michael's territory was tense.

I could feel the nervous energy rolling off Theo in waves. He looked ill and even though the gun was in his pocket, I could tell he was clutching it so hard, there was a possibility he'd dent the metal. Not that it would have done him much good anyway, since Thomas still had the magazine.

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