“I know I’m calling randomly but I miss you boogie and wondered to check in with my lovely yet mad daughter!” she chimes, a smile breaks out on my face. I miss her too.

“I miss you too! Yeah I’m settling in fine, it’s great to get out of those crappy uni halls!” I tell her.

“I bet.  Sooo any hot girls you’ve met then? Eh? Eh?” she jeers, making my laugh ring through the air.

“Maybe.  That’s all I’m saying.  Haven’t you got work to be doing instead of bugging me Mam?”

“Ooh, keep me updated, I love a good ol’ gossip. That I have, I’ll leave you to your hot girls. Love you Elle. Bye!”

I roll my eyes and put my phone away, turning my attention to the room again. To my surprise their eyes were all on me. 

“What?” I raise an eyebrow, wondering what they were so intent on staring at.

“You? Your mum said about hot girls? Sorry I’m confused” Rina asks, a little nervous laugh fluttering out. 

“Oh I didn’t mention on arrival obviously because that’d be weird!” I laugh smiling brightly before speaking “ I’m gay.”  I study them studying me and raise an eyebrow again.  I notice that Isla’s eyes are fixed on mine, I smirk a little at her.  That look is unmistakable, but I draw my eyes away from her when Rina speaks.  

“We didn’t even realize.” 

“It’s not exactly tattooed on my forehead is it? But it’s ok with you guys right? It doesn’t bother me if not but I thought I’d ask.”  I reply taking a glug of my tea.

“Of course it doesn’t dude! You’re awesome, it doesn’t bother you guys does it?” Mark directs his question to Rina who smiles brightly at me.

“Definitely not!  He’s right, you are pretty great and you’ve only been living here a day! Come on then, let’s get the drinks flowing or the tea flowing in your case Noelle!” she laughs taking a drink along with Isla, who suspiciously doesn’t look at me.  My brain flicks back to the look she gave me, something in her eyes made my heart lurch...

A while later, Mark mates had turned up and we’d all been introduced.  Glen’s pretty cool he’s t-total like me his story a bit more dramatic than mine but it’s some common ground.  I revel in the relaxed atmosphere of the room, dipping into everyone’s conversation about music and stuff.  Even more times pass and the drinks have gone, Mark and Rina are cuddled up asleep on the sofa Glen had left and it was just me Isla and Mark’s friend Danny.  We’re sitting in silence, not something I’m content to stay in, I’m too hyper for that.

“So, Danny” I smile, catching his attention “what do you do? Uni?” 

He slurs over his words, unsurprising to me considering he’s drank half the stock of beer tonight. “No, I-I’m in a band with Mark and Glennn” 

“That’s awesome! I remember now yeah, you’re in the process of getting signed right?” I ask, making the question simple for his little, man brain.

“Yup” he says popping the P, moving his body closer to me our shoulders touching.  I’m all for being friends with guys but unnecessary touching is another matter, especially as he’s just met me.  I shift up onto the sofa next to Isla, Danny’s gaze follows my movement his face twisting in confusion.

“You alright love?” he slurs, laughing a little.

“Yeah. Just uncomfortable on the floor!” I smile falsely.  Catching the attention of Isla it seems as she huffs out her nose.

“You got a boyfriend?” Danny says chuckling, it must be the drink, I used to be a flirty drunk too. 

“No Danny. I don’t swing that way!” I laugh, no reservations in telling him this I’m on hundred percent sure and confident in who I am so why would I hide?

“What?”  I sigh, smiling still this time genuine.

“I’m gay, so no I don’t have a boyfriend!”  I insist. The laugh that he lets out isn’t wholehearted it’s like something else is behind it. 

“Isla? Do you have a boyfriend?” Danny asks. This makes her head snap up from her phone, her face’s flush and her thumbs interlock.

“Um, I did. Not now..um..” she stutters not making eye contact with either of us.

“I see, well you’re both stunning. I’ve had too much to drink. I need to go home..” 

He clambers up off the floor staggering over to the door, Spilling beer all over the floor on the way out.   I’m not stopping him from going home, even if I think he’s too drunk. Isla’s expression is strained looking at me, hoping I’d tell him to crash at Mark’s.

“A-aren’t you um going to tell him to um crash here?” she says, stammering nervously. Am I really that scary?

“No. He’s shouldn’t have drunk so much. If he wants to go home let him!” I laugh, rolling my eyes at the beer on the floor, I’m going to have to clean it up.

“Um, I’m going to go home.  Tell Rina I said goodbye.” She mutters, gathering her stuff leaping off the sofa rather quickly giving me a good look at her frame a bit more.  I smile as I see her wave a little and head over to the door.  But before she gets to the door she flies forward letting out a little squeak, thudding onto the floor.  I snigger but it turns into full blown laughter as she gets up beer dripping off of her face.  Her bottom lip sticking out in the cutest pout.

“Hahaha! You look a sight, ruined that pretty hair style you had going there!” I giggle watching her try to clear herself up, failing miserably.

“Isla, you’re failing. I’ll help you, come to the kitchen we’ll get you cleaned up!” I offer standing up, trying to hide my laughter.

“Um, I can do it...um..” she stammers her face still scarlet from her little ordeal.

She glances at me the tense expression on her face faltering, I smile as she heads off with me to the kitchen.  I take a sneaky look at her as she walks, trying to think of other things.

“Ok, I’ll get some tissues...” I mutter, skipping off to the other side grabbing some before returning.

A minute or two later her face is clean, she did most of it. As she went to move some hair fell in her face so I took my chance,  my hand pushes some hair behind her ear, my teeth putting pressure on my bottom lip in mock concentration when in reality I just wanted to kiss her.  Honestly I’ve never been one for waiting around; Go and get what you want. Is my motto these days.

She huffs a little, obviously flustered. I pretend not to see the slight smile that tugs at the corner of her mouth. 

“Thank you Noelle. I did look like a bit of a twat when I fell. Thanks for cleaning me up. I appreciate it. Friends?” her voice picks up a few notches and she extends her arms out for a hug, blowing me away. I never expected her to come into contact with me, since she’s been reserved all day but I accept the hug pulling her too me.

  I wrap my hands around her shoulders, hers are round my back. My heart flutters with excitement as her hand drifts down my back, lower than you normally would in these types of situations, her thumb sweeps up to join her other fingers and she pulls away. 

Her face was red, it was cute.  The way she smiled, looking back at me as she walked through the corridor was so hot. She’s not fooling me, I know about her.  She’s confused and she knows it. 

I could be the one to make her see it 

Aloha :) Hope you're enjoying this fic so far!! Let me know what you think and stuff I love reading you guys' comments and stuff. Picture of Isla at the side - comment and vote - Love Hannah xox

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