track two,

400 31 11

manoeuvring his fingers to adjust his bag strap for the nth time, soonyoung heaved out a puff of warm air.

the weather has settled within his shoes as the male wriggled his toes uncomfortably in the new pair of shoes his mother had specially bought for his first day of high school.

checking his reflection once again at his black phone screen, soonyoung casually slipped the phone into his pocket before stepping into the school grounds.

walking past two girls who were situated at the entrance, the two girls flashed soonyoung a bright grin before wishing him a good morning.

nervously nodding, soonyoung picked up his pace and shuffled to the school's courtyard, which was probably the liveliest place in the school at the moment.

noticing that there were boards placed on the cement ground and each board had a class printed neatly on the pristine white sheet of paper, soonyoung continued to walk until he stopped by '1-6'.

unfortunately, most of the people who supposedly belonged to his class were seated in tiny groups of two to three. as the black-haired male panicked to find a seat of his own amidst the judging stares, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder.

"hi, want to sit with me? i'm as lonely as you at the moment," a boy shorter than soonyoung said, as his cheeky smile flashed past his lips.

returning an equally grateful smile, the taller male plopped himself gently on the ground while the other looked at the entire process unfolding.

"my name's lee chan," the boy said, stretching his hand out for a handshake.

"kwon soonyoung," the taller male replied with mustered gusto before firmly exchanging a handshake..

as music started to blast from the speakers, students began to rush back to their assigned classes, but still managing to carry a conversation through all the chaos.

soonyoung couldn't help but gape at everything, it was his first time in a new environment since he attended the same elementary and middle school with his best friend.

despite that, the male was definitely excited for his next few years in this school.


"your uncle signed you up for the music elective programme," the stern woman towered in front of jihoon with her white heels.

"he didn't inform me of it," jihoon mumbled in reply, his eyes darting to anywhere except for the woman glaring at him.

"so now you know. report to lessons every wednesday, it'll be recommended for you to choose a performing art to be your co-curriculum activity," the teacher instructed before shooing jihoon to the courtyard.


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