excuse for everything. To Sarina if she overslept it was because fairies messed with her alarm clock or the elves had stolen her watch. Yeah.. how was Nova supposed to argue with that? It wasn't that Sarina was weird.. ok, Nova couldn't lie to herself. Sarina was very weird.

"We have eight minutes to be there" She warned as she left the room to go downstairs.

When she reached the kitchen she spotted Ryan's backside as he rummaged through their refrigerator. Good she thought, he's already here.

"Hey Rye" she said as she grabbed a cereal bar out of the cabinet.

"Hey, your up. I thought I was going to have to wait forever" he responded as he closed the fridge. He went to the table with last night's pizza. She had met Ryan when they were five. He had spied on the two girls at the pond, making a spell to bring there true loves. They had closed there eyes and started to chant the words when they heard a groan come from a nearby bush. They found Ryan slumped over a log gagging. When they asked him what was wrong he pointed to something on the ground. It was a eaten piece of chocolate. In fact it was a piece from there pot of magic potion.

It turned out Ryan hadn't known that they had added dirt, squashed up bugs and olive oil. Needless to say that after he stopped throwing up, they laughed and became fast friends. Still to this day he questioned the ingredients of food he couldn't recognize at there house before he ate it.

Some habits died hard.

"Sarina!" Nova hollered. Their grandfather had left early this morning as he usually did on Friday's to go fishing. He often said that you had to wake up early to catch the fish by surprise.

There was a muffled curse as Sarina stumbled down the stairs. "Nova, stop dallying were late" Sarina chastised as she went out the door.  

"She is perky this morning" Ryan commented sarcastically before he shoved a large pizza into his mouth and followed behind. 

They barely even paused as Mark clamored into Ryan's car. Every since Ryan had gotten his license they carpooled to school, seeing as how his parents were the only ones who could afford to present their child with a car on his sixteenth birthday.

"Sarina, will you.." Nova looked back at Sarina who was jamming to her music she was listening to though her Ipod. "Never mind.. " She replied. Sarina was now in her zone and Nova knew when she asked Sarina to help her with the churches camping trip it was going to be a battle, but she  

would wait. She would catch her alone, Sarina used to help regularly until the accident that stole both of their parents. But after they died, Sarina refused to believe in God anymore. She wouldn't go near their church anymore. Even though their grandfather was the preacher at the little baptist church and he had attempted many times to talk to Sarina, she wouldn't budge in her convictions that God should have saved their parents.

Nova shared her pain but, she viewed the whole tragedy differently. Yes, at first she was hurt and blamed the world. But here grief turned into sorrow. And when she went to church she felt connected to them still. She knew her parents had went to heaven. She knew that with every instinct in her body. So, she followed in her mother's footsteps and helped whenever she could with the youth group.  

"Nova do you wanna go the movies this weekend?" Ryan  

asked while they walked to their chemistry class.

"Yeah I guess. What's playing?" she asked as they settled into their separate lab tables.

"There playing a bunch of old movies this weekend. There's the Blob, Gremlins and my personal favorite, Nightmare on Elm's street." he answered walking over to her.

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