Chapter 27

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I somehow woke up in Kol's bed. I was wearing a fresh set of clothes and it was like I was never drunk. I was in just Kol's shirt and my underwear. What did happen last night anyway?

Something about a strange bird, not quite sure.

The best thing about being a vampire, is that hangovers are non-existent. The best thing ever, if you ask me.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Kol walked into the room, from the bathroom. He had just showered.

"Morning." I smiled, reaching my arms out, indicating that I wanted a hug.

He jumped right into bed with me, after taking off the towel around his waist and dropping it on the floor.

I smiled and hugged him closely. "Elena turned it off last night, she ripped a guy's head off!"

"Well done, love! You and my dear sister did excellent work." Kol complimented. "Of course, I could had done it so much better."

I just giggled and buried my head into his bare chest.

"You know, both flamingos, and plums are real." Kol smirked, lifting my head up with his fingers. He rubbed his nose against mine gently, "You are a cute drunk."

I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, then hid my head in embarrassment. That explains the weird bird.

"You know, I feel a little offended that you are still clothed." He raised his eyebrow at me, pulling my underwear off.

I giggled and took my shirt off. Surprisingly, we just sat there and cuddled for a while, discussing my evil plans for Elena.

"I might stay here all day. Surely by now they all know is was Bekah and I that did this to her." I said to Kol, lifting my head up to look at him.

"I want you to stay here all day." He teased, rolling on top of me.

He started to kiss my neck, then he made his way up to my mouth, kissing me gently.

"I will stay here my whole life if we can keep doing this..." I muttered, a little out of breath.

"Then I will make sure you stay here your whole life." He said back, kissing me again.

We continued kissing for a while, rolling around in his bed, enjoying it. We were both breathing heavily when someone knocked on the door.

"No!" Kol growled, then kept on kissing my neck.

"Fine." The voice grumbled and they walked away.

Neither of us said anything back as we continued to do the 'dirty'. (If you get where I'm coming from.)


I went downstairs for breakfast and Bekah and Nik were sitting on the sofa, talking.

"Ah, you are here finally. Sit." He ordered, grinning. Kol and I rolled our eyes, but did as we were said. "I'm sure that, by now, you have heard that Miss Elena Gilbert has turned off her humanity. Anyone know why that might be?"

Bekah, Kol and I looked at each other guiltily, but didn't say anything. I think that we were all waiting for someone else to confess.

"What did you do?" Nik questioned us.

"Welllllll, she was bugging us, so we pushed her downhill. So to speak." I said, unsure of how Nik would react.

"Good on you. I think that it would've been hard to make her so traumatised she had to shut it off. I'm proud." Nik grinned, impressed with our skills as torturers.

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