"You can't just disappear like that!" She snapped after her eyes landed on my swinging form. "I thought something happened to you."

"Sorry." I apologized, actually feeling kind of bad at how panicked she looked. "I just needed some fresh air. Are there animals in these woods?"

She froze, her eyes widening slightly. She looked upwards, like she was thinking of what to say. "No." She finally answered.

I narrowed my eyes at her in suspicion.

"Are you sure? I wanted to go for a walk?"

"No, I'm sure. Let's go for a walk." She smiled nervously at me.

I just ignored it and nodded. She grabbed a pair of flip flops off the back porch and threw them at me. I glared at her when one hit me in the face, since I wasn't expecting her to throw it. My scowl deepened, because she snickered in amusement, as I slipped them on.

She led the way, obviously knowing where she was going. I just followed in silence, dodging branches as I went.

"So, I have some news." She said after a few moments of silence.

"Okay..." I murmured.

"We're going back to the castle today."

"I just got here though." I argued tentatively. It just seemed like so much at once.

"I know, but you'll love the castle, I promise. It's your home. I mean, this is too, obviously. We grew up here. But it's not your primary home anymore. The castle is and that's the best place for you. Kat and I live there too, so you don't need to be scared. Plus, our brother Matt, your brother in law Tyler, and... Finnian too." She added the last name reluctantly.

"It's just a lot to take in. I'm not even used to being here yet. I guess I just miss my home." I said, referring to my apartment.

She reached out and squeezed my arm gently. "I know. But this was your home once and I know it can be again."

I nodded at her, not wanting to talk anymore. I think she could sense my need for a peaceful walk before more chaos erupted in my life, so she thankfully remained silent as we walked.

Their land was undeniably beautiful. About a mile into the woods, we came across a stream that emptied into a lake. The crystal clear water cascaded down moss covered rocks slowly, almost lazily. Ripples covered the surface and white bubbles foamed near the rocks and the banks. It was a small stream, only about three feet wide and less than two feet deep in the deepest spots, but it was gorgeous. Vibrant green grass surrounded the land on both sides and the leafless trees formed a canopy over the stream, allowing the hazy grey light to filter through and reflect off the water. If I looked closely, I could see tiny orange and grey fish flowing down into the lake.

I plopped down on a rock at the edge of the water, the coldness of it pressing against the back of my bare thighs. Selena sat right next to me, staring at the beauty of it all as well.

"This was always your favorite spot." She said after a few beats of silence. "Any time you were upset or just needed to get away, you'd come here. And that was a lot. There are four of us, you needed to get away frequently. Everyone knew not to disturb you down here. That if you were down here, you were at the end of your rope and needed to be left alone. We did have some good times in the lake though, you, me, Kat, and Dalton."


She smiled sadly at me. "He died last year. He was my best friend. You two bickered like crazy, but he really loved you. I know you loved him too, in a different way, but you still did. I really hope you can remember him one day. He's definitely worth remembering."

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