the best words

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"Gin. I miss you. Come back."
I peek out the door and harry is sitting sobbing his eyes out looking at a picture of us kissing that hermione took without us realising.

Harrys POV
"Harry?" I hear a small voice whisper.
"What are you doing?"
"I needed you. I couldn't live a happy life without you gin."
"Then you shouldn't of kissed madison."
"I knew you'd say that. She kissed me. I was looking for you when she kissed me. I shoved her off and called her an ugly brat." Ginny laughs at my last statement and says "harry. Harry Potter. For this to work, i need to know one thing. Do you love me?"
"Of course i do ginny. I would die for you. I gave you that ring because I want us to be together always. I love you ginerva molly weasley!"
She is smiling at me so i walk slowly towards her, lean in and kiss her.

"Harry. I love you too!"
Those words were the best words ginny has ever said to me. Those 5 words made me the happiest man alive.

A\N short shapter😕😆 sorry! I think if you watch the video above you might like the chapter more😄😄

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