the fit

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We are in the common room and hermione is helping hope with her potions essay. I am chatting to ginny "hows the studying going?" "good. I cant wait to get these flipping exams over with!"
I hear hermione yell "HARRY! It's hope!!!" I turn around and hope was having a fit A/N i won't go into detail but it was pretty bad
I run over and sooth her whilst yelling at anyone who crowded around. I pick her up and carry her bridal style to my dorm. I lay her on the bed and give her the medicine.
She falls asleep and i leave.

I write a letter to my parents explaining the fit. I sent hedwig away and bumped into malfoys little sister on the way out of the owlery. "oh sorry Evangaline!" "Its okay harry.." she whispers.
I see her in the owlery and anytime a bird moves she steps back afraid and when she is tying the letter to the bird she looks away afraid and holds the letter at arms length. She was afraid of birds. I feel bad for her so i went in and helped her.

I walk back to the Gryffindor common room and fall asleep in the chair

A/N hey peeples!!!!! I'm back! I'm alive! I'm sorry😉 this is only a short chapter but I've been really caught up in school work😄

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