meeting him (flashback)

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meeting him was like well I guess I could say...well  i dont know how to explain it we were just kids back then but i guess looking back on it all now i think i was just mesmerized by well by  everything his smile his laugh everything about him was perfect even his name is perfect Princeton that name still sends me back to what was our last rap as we call it...


Kayna Evans: Lyla ur gonna be late come on
Layla: coming mom
And with those words I ran down the long winding stairs and straight to my mom
Kayna: ur big sister seinna is gonna take u to the park are u ready?
Lyla: yes mom I'm ready
Kayna: seinnas waiting for you in the car go on and have fun
Layla: yes mom I will.
And with that I ran out side

    ****At the park****

Seinna: go play Layla
Layla: **sitting down reading**
About that time a little boy walks up to Layla
Princeton: hi I'm Princeton do u want to play with me and my friend
Layla looks up and replies with a yes and they run off and all three play together never knowing what they all just started a friendship that would only drive a wedge between a relationship that would soon bring the last rap 

**** Present****

 As I come back to reality I wipe the tears from my face remembering my choice and then i continued with my homework, As i finished i decided it was bed time so i took a shower put on my pajamas brushed my teeth and my hair and turned out my light crawled into bed wishing Princeton was there beside me...  

*****the next day at school*****

  i  entered a small classroom situated at the center of my hometown school. It was half past eight in the morning  and i was there a bit early to meet some of my friends so we could catch up before class. i took the corner seat and got indulged in my phone. While i was checking my phone, i  saw a post by one of my friends ray on Facebook who posted an old picture of all of  our friends. Princeton, my soulmate, was also in the picture. It's been two weeks since that last memorable day. Suddenly my mind was filled with all the memories, i couldn't help but recollect all the events of our last day our last kiss.i know i left him yesterday but it was for the best see i was only holding him back it still hurt even though i ended it see it was just yesterday  i made up my mind that things were over.As i broke outta my thoughts my dreams my everything shattered in a moment as soon as i saw them he had moved on and it hurt me. Of course yesterday i made up my mind to part ways,i had said goodbye and bear the heartache but today i was totally unprepared for what i saw. i couldn't stop the flow of tears, Destiny had given me  just another day to dream, to rejoice, to imagine a future with Princeton. i couldn't bear to see anymore i ran out the school and straight to my car where i would sit for the rest of the day just remembering and thinking on what could of been. when school was out i left not looking back...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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