"If something serious happens, you call me." He said to Ashton.

"Of course."

We ate the rest of breakfast before Ben called Paige to invite her and then began sulking about how she couldn't join us. The four of us left letting Ben drive us to the beach without argument just to cheer him up a little. Karabo and I ended up seated in the back as he pointed out sights to everyone while we drove but when we arrived at the beach, the sky was starting to cloud up causing most people to leave. We decided to stay anyway because it looked like it was not going to rain for at least a couple more hours and no one had a suggestion of what else to do at the moment.

"What are you doing?" I asked Karabo as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me along the beach once we had been walking along the shore for a few minutes.

'Just let him lead, Eli.' Tamia linked to me. I frowned. I don't want to, disliking the idea of not knowing where I was headed and just following someone... but fine. I could put up with it for a bit.

"My favourite part of the beach."

"Where all these weeds and rocks are? Do you want us to swim and or get concussions?" I asked my mate confused as we stepped over the rocks, "And it's gonna rain soon."

"Just come," he said shooting me a frown.

I laughed following him for a few minutes longer until he stopped and put his backpack down. I stepped up beside him and my brows rose as I looked down. We were a few feet above a huge pond of water. It was dark and there seemed to be an easier way to get into it on the other side but Karabo seemed to have chosen the high area for a reason. We were going to dive.

"You sure this is safe?" I asked trying to study what was beneath the water. The rocks we were standing on were not very smooth, how were we to be certain that the seawater we were staring down at wasn't littered with sharp rocks we could not see?

"Eli, I've come here for years. It's fine." Karabo said pulling his shirt off. I felt my chest tighten, my breath hitching in my lungs as he did not wait a second before diving into the water below. For a few seconds, my mind seemed to go blank, my heart stopping as he disappeared until I let out a low, relieved breath as he surfaced and waved up at us. "See?!" His yell just made me slightly annoyed while I let out another sigh of relief.

"Come on!" Tamia yelled out as she pulled her sweater off before following my mate's lead, Ben was next.

I stared down at the three people as they swam back creating space for me to dive in and bit my lip feeling uneasy, as though there was something I needed to check on or be doing. Was it Ashton and Richard? My father and Sean? I guessed that Tamia was right. Work was all I could think about. We were supposed to be on break, but that was not usually something I did. My eyes moved to Karabo and I felt myself smile seeing him laugh as Ben splashed water at him before they yelled at me to jump. I sighed pulling my shirt off before cannonballing off the edge of the rocks.

I slammed into the icy liquid before surfacing and brushing my hair back only to get shoved back underwater. I resurfaced and splashed water at Karabo as he laughed. The four of us messed around for a little while longer before Karabo suddenly stopped swimming and spoke up.

"Wait, guys, calm down," he said.

We listened to his instruction and I realised the water was only dark because of how deep it was and how far up we all were earlier. Once we were still enough I saw tiny fish swim out beneath us. I snapped my hand out and caught one gently, feeling it wiggle in my hand before letting it go.

"What's that?" Tamia pointed above us.

"A tunnel. It leads to the ocean." Karabo said.


Alpha Mates (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz