Chapter 10: Gaara's Crush

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In the morning, the friends went out in the street and decided to disband into the town in order to search for information.

"Now then, since we boys are often having hard times watching over you girls, we're having a boy party this time!" Shao grinned and grabbed his two brothers' hands, "Nao, Chao, and I will go together."

"Duh, who needs you guys around, anyway? We will pull it off together, only us girls." Tao looked at Gao, Mao, and Dao.

Lao was a little farther from the girls' group, fallen into her thoughts. Gaara couldn't miss the sorrow in her eye.

"Well then, I guess Hinata and I will have some time together." Naruto grinned.

"And I'm going with Sasuke!" Sakura cuddled with her boyfriend. This latter widened his eyes and blushed a little.

"Then I guess it's decided." Shikamaru shrugged.

The guys went off in groups as they wanted. Lao, however, didn't follow the Shin group of girls. Instead, she heaved a sigh and went off into another direction on her own.

Shikamaru was going to set out too when Gaara's voice stopped him:


Shikamaru looked back in surprise. He didn't expect this calm and reserved brother of his girlfriend to call him in all of a sudden. After all, he didn't really get along with Temari's two brothers. One of them, Kankuro, was really bothersome, and the other, Gaara, was too boring.

"What's up?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing special," Gaara answered in his deep voice, "Just wanted to discuss something with you."

"Oh... well, come along then, I guess." Shikamaru shrugged, getting even more surprised - what on earth would Gaara want to discuss with him?

Thus, they walked on together through the streets.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Shikamaru asked.

"You know... I had a question lately. You seem to have the most free time among all the Leaf Shinobi presenting here, so I picked you out."

"Oh. What sort of a question?"

"Well, your relationship with Temari..." Gaara looked away, as if unsure how to start a conversation. He was searching for proper words, and didn't quite seem to pull it off.

Shikamaru was getting more and more stupefied.

He's acting so strange... He seems rather... nervous.

"So, what about it?"

"Do you know what can make a girl's heart happy?" Gaara looked at him with a totally serious and concerned gaze, "I mean... what sort of gifts they like? You know... well..."

He didn't know what to add, how to improve his speech and make it more understandable, without uncovering too many secrets he kept in his heart.

Shikamaru widened his eyes in astonishment.

"Man, you're telling me you have a crush?!"

Gaara grew red:

"Wh... What? No... I... I mean..."

Shikamaru smirked:

"You cannot hide anything from me, Lord Kazekage. When you start worrying like that and your cheeks go red, surely you have a crush, don't you? Who's the lucky girl?"

Gaara tried to act normal, as if what Shikamaru said was wrong, but then gave up:

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

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