Chapter 2: The Ninjas' Secrets

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Morning came. Gaara was at his office when a knock sounded on the door. The Anbu entered.

"Well? What's the news?" Gaara asked.

"They don't show any threat for now," the Anbu reported. "But they sure hold a lot of surprises."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it would be better if you saw for yourself, Lord Kazekage."

Gaara got surprised. What could that mean? He stood up and went out of his office. He glanced at the camp of the eight siblings from above. He widened his eyes in shock. Lao Shin, the eldest of the siblings, was drinking some red liquid from her wooden glass with delight. A dead, bleeding deer lay beside her.

"Oh, my! When did you notice this?" Gaara asked the Anbu.

"She took that deer out of her sack this morning."

"Keep an eye on her!"

Gaara was about to turn back when he heard Lao's excited cry:

"Hey there, Lord Kazekage! Great day today!"

He started and looked back, to see how Lao waved her hand at him from below, sitting on the sand near her tent. The thing that made Gaara shocked was her long sharp purple nails that resembled claws.

"Oh, goodness..." he muttered.

"Yes, she's crazy," the Anbu concluded.

"It's not that. It's just that she doesn't resemble a normal ninja anymore who only relies on Taijutsu and simple Ninjutsu, and that's a bad sign."

"We will keep watching them."

"Yes, that will be good. Better if you double the guards!"

"As you command!"

The Anbu walked off. Gaara watched the strange people, whom he had allowed to stay on his territory. He wondered, was his decision right, or would these people mean a serious threat?

He saw how Lao finished drinking the red liquid he knew was deer blood. She wiped the remnants of it off her mouth. She stood up, jumped towards him, and appeared right beside him. Gaara got startled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you like this, Lord Kazekage!" She chuckled. "I just had my breakfast and I thought why not to greet you up there, so here I am!"

"Yeah. Anyway, I need to get back to my affairs."

"Oh, I see. You care too much for your people, huh?"

Gaara stopped.

"Yes. I do."

"I understand your feelings." Lao smiled. "So young, even younger than me, and already a Kazekage! All I can say is, well done!"

Gaara didn't look at her but listened. There she was, one more person having the same thoughts as him and... Naruto.

"All I ever knew was caring for my siblings, but you care for something a lot bigger - your whole nation," she said. "Truly heroic of you! At such a young age, not many people dare to be heroes."

"I wasn't always like this," he said. "I was quite the opposite. After meeting Naruto, I became who I am now. He is the true hero among us."

"Oh, interesting!" Lao grinned. "Who's Naruto? Your friend?"

"Yes, he's my first and dearest friend. A shinobi from the Hidden Leaf Village, who aims to become Hokage and make the world a better place with his efforts. I will do my best to aid him in that."

"Oh, you mean, a shinobi from Land of Fire, huh? That's cool! A friend from a different nation... Admirable!"

"Yes. Truly."

Gaara walked off, thoughtful. Lao chuckled. She looked up in the sky, where a huge eagle-like creature was flying. She shouted:

"Hey, Nao, little brother, come down here!"

The eagle-like creature flew down and landed on the ground. It was Nao Lin, the Grey Ninja - the grey-cloaked young man who hid his face with a samurai hat and a grey veil, and wielded a huge sword.

"What is it, Lao?"

"I think I've found some information about where the guy we're looking for might be."

"I'm listening!"

"The Hidden Leaf Village, Land of Fire. His name is Naruto. I am almost sure he is the one."

"Why so sure?"

"Well, he's Lord Kazekage's dearest friend, the one who's willing to become a Hokage and make the world a better place. Who would have such high ambitions, if not..."

"A tailed Jinchuriki."

"Exactly! Go and check on him! You're the one who can stay invisible and not get caught. Your abilities are unique at that. Would you do it for me and our other siblings?"

"Sure, Lao!" Nao smiled, but it couldn't be seen under his grey veil. "Consider your request fulfilled!"

"Thank you, Nao!" Lao hugged him. "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome! Anything else you want me to do?"

"Please don't forget to send me the updates!"

"I never forget anything. See you, dearest sister!" Nao stroked her cheek with his pale hand.

He jumped high up in the sky. He grew eagle wings and flew towards the Land of Fire. Lao smiled and returned to her camp.

"I saw you speak with Nao." She heard her younger sister's, Red Ninja Gao Shin's, voice. "So, we are starting?"

"Yes Gao, we are." Lao smiled.

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