Chapter FOUR

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11:28 AM

"Hey, you never told me who your lunch date was." Max typed away on his laptop, still in his boxers that he proclaimed were his 'manly pajamas'. "Or who you were smooshing booties with last night."

"Max!" You scolded, eyeing the teen. You swore, his comments sometimes were just too...Max. He replied only with a snorted laugh. "It's not a date and I don't 'smoosh booties' with anyone. What's that even supposed to mean anyway?"

He shrugged, focused on his screen. "Don't know honestly. Just hear people say it a lot."

You rolled your eyes, making your way to your room to get dressed. After throwing on something cute, you ruffled your hair in hopes that it would magically fix itself. A quick inspection of yourself in the mirror made you have second thoughts, however. You fixed strands of hair here and there and pulled or pushed at certain parts of the outfit. 'Is it too much? Maybe I should change my shirt-wait no-pants...yeah, it's definitely the pants.'

A sigh escaped your lips and you turned back to the box full of all your clothing. Well, most of your clothing. Due to your busy schedule and sleepless nights, you haven't had the time nor energy to unpack. But despite the thought, you began to shuffle and dig through the pile, tossing old pairs of t-shirts and jeans.

"Too baggy, too long, too...ugly, makes my non-existent butt look flat..."

"Hey, stop being so hard on yourself. Seriously, it pisses me off." Max leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He frowned as you slouched in defeat. "You look fine and I thought you said it wasn't a date anyway. Why are you stressing so much about what you're wearing if it's not?"

All you could manage was a small sigh, mainly because you knew he was right. Why did you care so much? Glancing in the mirror, you bit your lip, too unsure of yourself to only let out a low mumble. "I don't know, Max..."

The kid removed himself from the doorway and sat on the other side of the bed. You fiddled with the current piece of clothing in your hand, your face unclear of any emotion yet, he knew exactly how you felt.

"(Y/n), you look great and if your boyfriend has a problem with that then he's going to have to deal with me."

This caused you to smile. Despite his terrible remarks and jokes, he always had the right intentions. He only ever wanted you to be happy; he always wanted the best for you.

You snorted, trying to hide the fact that you had a genuine smile. "Right. A dorky sixteen-year-old from (H/t) [Home town]."

He just rolled his eyes, knowing that this was your way of dealing with emotions. At least emotions with him anyway. "Yeah, whatever. You're welcome." He murmured, standing and walking out to the living room. You followed closely behind.

Mindlessly, you strolled your way to the kitchen counter while Max took his place on the couch, as usual, already typing away on his grey laptop. You gathered up your phone and wallet, unknowingly, tapping your fingers and shaking your leg out of nervousness.

Max seemed to notice and a smirk played at his lips as he shifted a little, in a triumphant manner, to add on to his schemes. "You know, I'm excited to meet your new boyfriend."

The word made you choke on your spit and you shot the boy a look. His eyebrows danced as you recollected yourself. "He's not my boyfriend. We just started hanging out yesterday."

Like you, Max rolled his eyes and stop typing. "Yeah but you've been talking to him like every day since you've moved, haven't you?"

"Kind of...but-"

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