Chapter TWO

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8:03 AM

The suspense was killing you as you stepped into the cafe. Since you left work last evening you haven't been able to get your mind off those stupid security cams. 'What if he looks at the footage? He's gonna know I let three drinks slip past me without any payment and I already screwed up once. Maybe, maybe he won't look at the footage. I mean, why would he right?'

You kept fighting your own voice. The scent of coffee and donuts no longer soothed you. 'I'm so fired.' You straightened your apron as you walked behind the counter, making brief eye contact with your boss. 'Oh, geez...he knows, I'm fired. I'm gonna get my butt handed to me and live out on the streets in a dumpster.'

"(Y/l/n)!" 'Oh here it goes'

You grimaced at his tone and hesitantly approached him. "Y-yes, sir?"

There was a brief moment of silence. He stared at you with his eyes narrowed and you shrunk under his gaze. Your heart started to sink at the stillness, the suspense nearly killing you this time until he blurted out, "I checked the footage of last evening because I didn't trust your rusty ass-"


"-and you didn't do terrible. Next time, be sure to replace the napkins. Now, get back to work."

'Oh, my kittens...I'm not dead. Or jobless!' You scurried back to the paper cups as the orders came in, a million thoughts racing through your head. Preparing a cup, you glanced upward to the surveillance camera. 'Subtle. Great job, (Y/n)' You momentarily critiqued yourself until you remembered why you were really talking to yourself. 'Did he not see me give away three cups of coffee for free? Did he not care? -No of course he did. He must've skipped over it. Yeah, that's it.'

You turned down any other thoughts about the matter. You weren't fired, and that's what was important. Plus, with how unusually occupied it was you didn't want to deal with the added stress.

"Two more espressos, (Y/n)." Your co-worker said, running between tables while taking orders and delivering drinks. You couldn't imagine having her job. At least you got to stay behind the counter and not really have to socialize. But that still didn't mask how busy it was.

Two more espressos

Five cappuccinos

One latte

Three frappuccinos

Four hot chocolates (for the kids)

A couple orders of donuts



Like you said...busy.

You were hurriedly making the drinks and fetching donuts or other pastries, the stress was building. Every now and then Lydia would come up but only to grab a few of the beverages. Then your boss would tell you to hurry up because, and you quote, 'customers kept pulling orders out of their asses'.

You swore he used that word every second. 'Ass. What's up with that? It's not even that great of word'.

You rushed with the drinks, pressure starting to build up. People waited impatiently for their orders while you tried to keep up, wondering why all of a sudden this place was popular.

Your head was close to exploding before a robotic sounding voice came into play. "Hey, (Y/n)!"

There was a quick glance up before you went back to making drinks. "Hi, Wrench! How are you?" You tried to sound polite, despite the fact that you were in a hurry.

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