I couldnt help it...

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Cicero:"I remember when my own Listener felt this way."

My eyes widened. I look up to him. He seem so tall,yet besides Nazir he is shorter.

But to me,he was the perfect size. Not to tall,yet not to small,my type. His cheek brighten red.

And he seem embarrassed. Why wasn't I fucking trying to pull away?

We were alone. I couldn't scream for help. Even if I could I wouldn't. My body isn't listening to me.


He wrap his big and burly arms around my waist. And he lay his head on my shoulder.

I felt his nose inhaling the smell of my hair and neck. It tickled but I wouldn't flinch or move.

It was like I was frozen stiff in that exact spot. Cicero still wearing the ring. He showed it to me. This time it was placed into the marry finger*(as in he place it at the finger like if he was married.)

Cicero:"I'm sorry,Listener..."

Fuck.wrong place at the wrong time.


Then my body went limp in his arms. He held me tightly. But I wasn't unconscious instead I was still here. Just is that I couldn't move. My eyes darted everywhere.

I could see everything. But my mouth wasn't moving. Or my face wouldn't make an expression.

All of sudden my body takes action. My arms pulls him into my face. My mouth opens.And it kisses Ciceros lips so passionately.

I didn't do anything. All I did was watch,I wasn't doing it. Then my body pulled away.

"Oh~Cicero. I miss you so much."


"All these years without my partner I was...going insane."

Who the fuck is talking to Cicero?

"I'm sorry if my reincarnation took a while. Babe,you haven't age a bit."

My hand caresses Ciceros red wood hair. He seem so happy just by getting touch by me. But it wasn't me! I'm not doing it! I'm not even talking!

Cicero:"Oh good ! Joy! Y/n,my love,my LISTENER! Your home! Your home..!"

Wtf..My love..?

My hand grasps onto Ciceros erection.


"Miss me baby? "

Cicero exhale sharply and bit his lip.

Cicero:"Miss you? Cicero couldn't even get through the little girl y/n. So I had to use the ring to summon your true colors. I thought you would be back if you saw the sanctuary and me..but the little girl y/n wouldn't budge!"

"Is alright my love..let's enjoy tonight~"

Ciceros eyes widened and he gave a dirty look to my body.

Oh,I just wanted to slap him so bad. But my body did the opposite.

Knowing the voice...it truly wasn't mine..it sounded like an older woman,mature and dominant.

It wouldn't be coming from me right?

As my body did whatever it wish,it walk quickly and quietly to my room.

They both were acting like teenagers. Giggling and laughing the whole way as they held hands..

Then as they arrive to the room. She closed it shut. And they both ran into the bed.

I couldn't keep watching this. But I had no control over my body whatsoever.

I watched as Cicero strip me down naked,and lick my private part*

My body would flinch and pulled it head back in pleasure. The voice would call him again,and again to him.

He took off his hat,and lay it on the night stand. Then he began stripping off every part of his clothing off. His tongue trace on my stomach and down my lower parts again. He was really naked. And this is the first time I've seen Cicero like this. I was afraid but my body acted otherwise. His tongue sticking in and out of me. Her voice was beautiful. Sounded much older than me,then why would her voice come out of my mouth? Cicero look up to her and she grin in pleasure,forcing Ciceros head in there. He felt a need....

For him to fulfill her.

Who was this she? And can she be...? It must be then.

Cicero and the previous Listener were lovers. And my body has been taken over by her.

If I'm her reincarnation,does that make her,me? Or is it,does that make me her?

That dirty old fool! I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust him! He used me! And used that stupid ring to control me! I'm hurt!

I don't understand why would he just throw away my trust. Whatever it is. I'm about to take Ciceros dick now.


Cicero push me down in doggy style. And he lift my ass up.

He rubbed himself agaisnt me. Knowing I wouldn't reject him. His tip was pushed in gently.

My body flinch and her voice spoke again.

"Cicero be gentle~this body is quite young and smaller than my original form. So please,treat me right."

She moan quietly.

Cicero:"Your right. This body is like an unopened letter. Sealed tightly and shut. Well,heheh I'm about to open it."

As he was going in me. My body felt an excruciating pain,I was screaming in my head. But she would moan cutely.

I felt pressure between my hips.

I wanted to scream! ! ! And then I just realize...

Oh shit he ain't wearing a condom,isn't he?

Everything was bare. I was completely naked in front of him. I'm embarrassed,ashamed and I felt violated. How is it possible that I can feel and see what is happening to my body,but can't stop it??

It hurts please make it stop.

Cicero I beg of you...

I hate you.

I Have Found You (CiceroX Fem Real Life Reader!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن