"don't worry, i'll make sure we have plenty of alone time"

Start from the beginning

"You look great," he told me, smiling down at me.

"Thanks." I smiled as well and he leaned down slowly to connect his lips with mine. I kissed him back and brought my hand up to his cheek to caress it gently. We had walked fairly close to the bed, so I dropped my purse and phone down on the bed to free my other hand. I brought it up to his chest and noticed that I didn't mind at all that he didn't have a shirt on. 

"Your hands are freezing," Luke said as he pulled away from me. He took my hand from his chest with both of his and held it for a second.

"Sorry." I smirked as I sat down on the bed and took my hand away from his. "Put a shirt on," I told him and he rolled his eyes playfully as he walked away from me and to his suitcase that he had brought into Dustin's room to help the illusion. He grabbed a plain gray v-neck and slipped it on, completing his outfit. He was wearing very similar jeans to my own, both were black and had slits in the knees. But he classed his outfit up by slipping into some black boots. "You make simple look so good," I admired as I looked over at Luke.

Luke smiled over at me and slowly made his way back over to me. He stood in front of me and raised his hands. I raised mine as well intertwined our fingers. He leaned down and pecked my lips softly.

"Wait," I said, noticing something different. "Where's your lip ring?"

"The back broke on it, so I took it out," Luke told me, letting go of my hand to touch his lip. "And now I can't find it, I can't remember where I put it."

"How long has it been gone?"

"Since yesterday," he told me and I began to pout. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed. "What?"

"I liked it."

"Really?" I nodded and Luke laughed at my change in mood. "Well, you might have to get used to it not being there," he told me and I sighed, already missing it. "C'mon, little one. It'll be okay." Luke pulled me up and started walking me toward the door. I grabbed my purse and phone before following him. We walked out of the room together and down the hall, through the living room.

"Alright, we're off," Luke said. "Wish me luck on not killing us both while driving. Calum, I need your keys."

"If you wreck my car, I'm suing you," Calum told Luke as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. He tossed them to Luke and I quickly interfered and caught them instead. All the guys began to over dramatically 'ooh' and 'ah' which caused me to laugh. I tossed the keys to Luke and he laughed too.

"See you guys later," I said as I waved.

"Dustin, play nice," Luke warned and Dustin scoffed. "I'm serious."

"Okay, okay," Dustin said, nodding toward him. "See you later guys. Have a good—" Dustin stopped himself and began to cough.

"Have fun watching Lana shop," Calum said over Dustin's coughing. I nodded slowly and looked over at Luke.

"Uh, yeah... okay. Bye, guys." We both waved and walked out of Calum's apartment successfully. "I think Dustin might ruin our secret," Luke predicted and I shrugged my shoulders, having some faith in him.

"He'll probably almost ruin it many times, but I doubt he'll ever actually let it out. We should have just told them," I told Luke as we walked out to the car lot.

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