Chapter Seventeen: Two Hasty Decisions Do Not Make For a Sound One

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Courfeyrac and Sybill drew towards their own table of the Café Musain where the two were chatting excitedly in hushed tones. The table was being frequented by Grantaire who quickly joined in the conversation the other two had been so deeply immersed in. Enjolras watched from across the room with a marked look of jealousy. His eyes fluttered frequently to the table where the three spoke, and he noticed how Sybill did not even turn his way as she laughed and chatted with Courfeyrac.

"The plan is made," Courfeyrac smirked. "We will enact it in three days."

"I do hope you find her," Sybill smiled at Courfeyrac hopefully.

Courfeyrac looked at her with a beaming expression. "Yes, I do hope I find her as well."

Grantaire looked between the two. They were sitting close together with smiles on their faces. Though he had not spoken much to Sybill Fauchelevent, he could see that she cared for Courfeyrac as a friend from the way she allowed him to lie to the men about the nature of their relationship to the way she agreed to join Courfeyrac's scheme. Grantaire did not know that Sybill was left in the dark about Courfeyrac's lies to the other men regarding their relationship. Grantaire also noticed the slight smile that remained on Courfeyrac's lips as he stole nervous glances at the girl when there was a slight lull in conversation.

Sybill was thankful that her friend had appeared to move on with this new woman, and she had decided to help the flirt in anyway he deemed appropriate. The girl thought the scheme in itself would prove an exciting time. A few times she pooled her courage together to look casually towards Enjolras, but he always seemed enraptured by the book before him. Combeferre, on the other hand, usually caught her glances. She had found it odd how her last letter to the marble man had gone unanswered, but she did not fret over it too terribly much. Sybill yawned slightly while Courfeyrac continued speaking of his great scheme to capture the girl.

"This woman-" began Grantaire, "this Galya, what does she look like? And please leave out the poetic devices."

Courfeyrac sighed slightly. "She has red hair and green eyes."

"And you slept with her?" questioned Grantaire.

Courfeyrac was taken aback by the bluntness of Grantaire's question especially in front of Sybill. Courfeyrac blinked in response. "I beg your pardon?"

"You slept with the Russian, yes?" questioned Grantaire.

"I do not think this-"

"He slept with the Russian," nodded Sybill in Courfeyrac's place. Courfeyrac looked at Sybill in shock for he had not told her that part. Sybill shrugged with a small smile on her features. "You practically painted me a picture, monsieur, though you did not quite use the words."

"Courfeyrac," Enjolras called in his regular measured tone from his table before Courfeyrac could respond to the girl. Combeferre looked at the man at his side. He had already noticed Enjolras's upset attitude upon catching sight of Courfeyrac and Sybill.

Courfeyrac did not move from the other side of the room. He turned around in his chair with a friendly grin. "Yes, Enjolras?"

"Your place is here," Enjolras stated plainly.

"Oh, my apologies, Enjolras," gushed Courfeyrac at once as he rose to his feet, leaving the table. "The companionship I've had was truly..." He trailed off. Enjolras could see the smirk upon his lips as he assumed that he was talking about Sybill. "Yes, I'm sorry, dear friend, what is-"

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