Victor, missing

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The currents where in Yuri's favor, and the half day trip ended being much shorter.

The sun was barely over the horizon when he spotted the island. The sky still lingering with night. Glee bubbled inside of him, escaping as a burst of his fin to swim quicker.

He reached the rock barrier first, lifting himself with ease over the rocks to glance above. "Victor!" Yuri called, looking around the area. It was barren. Just the sound of the soft waves and the scurry of tiny creatures.

Not here... Yuri tried to think where else Victor cold be, but they really hadn't agreed on a spot. He'd been so shocked when the human had hugged him. 

The seashell! The glee Yuri had been feeling turned sour as he rushed to the corner where he and Victor had said goodbye, but the seashell wasn't there either.

Yuri took a deep breath and started swimming around the island, his eyes never leaving the shore. It wasn't as large as he originally thought, but it still took him almost half an hour to completely circle it. He did it twice. By the time he was done there was nothing left of the night and still no Victor in sight.

Yuri rested his back against the rock barrier near his starting point. He squeezed his hands together and let the feeling sink. He had to accept it. Victor was gone. He was gone and he hadn't even bothered to leave the seashell to let Yuri know.

It hurt.

In the pit of his stomach, and across his chest.

The sadness was sudden and unexpected. Yuri tried to shake it away, reminding himself that it was better this way. Now he wouldn't have to lie. Now he wouldn't have to worry...

He heard soft splashes. Feet stepping into the water. He followed the sound, glancing around the rock and saw Victor stepping into the water. The human had shed his clothes except for the black piece on his waist and thighs. Victor stopped once his ankles were beneath the water, his arms raised forward, stretching his body.

Yuri held his breath. Victor was still here. The natare felt relief, he felt a joy he couldn't describe. He opened his mouth to call out the human's name, but then Victor started moving, his hands swiping the air around him, his feet parting the water as he half turned to the right, to the left, then full circle. His hair trailing behind him like a shadow.

Yuri gripped the edge of the rock while he watched. It was beautiful. Victor was beautiful and if Yuri could, he would spend the entire day watching him dance.

Victor looked at the sky, then dipped his body backwards until his fingers almost touched the water, his hair touching the surface. Then his knees bent, he moved upwards again, swirling from side to side, and then he stopped cold.

Yuri blinked. Victor was looking at him, his mouth a small 'O' that quickly turned into such an amazing smile that made every secret Yuri was keeping worth it. Victor bolted towards the ocean, his feet awkwardly trying to step over the water to get to his goal faster. He dove into the water when it was deep enough and Yuri met him halfway.

Victor gripped him tight. Arms across his back. Palms on his shoulder blades. Yuri returned the embrace, almost clinging to Victor. It didn't make sense wanting to hold a human like this, but this human made Yuri feel more welcomed and wanted than his own people. "Yuri! You came back! I'm so hungry!"

Yuri burst into laughter, instinctively moving further into the ocean where it was deeper and it was easier for him to swim. Victor never let go.

The human's stomach rumbled with hunger. "I thought the island had bugs—" Yuri started to say.

Blue Echo (Yuri On Ice / Victuuri Mermaid AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora