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He cuts the phone nd asks her.."yeah..wtu wnt to do."

She points at her dress and tells him "wt d hell u hav done.."

He tells.."oh sorry galti se hogaya.."

She.."oh hello...i dnt need ur sorrys.."

He "huh xcuse me
.den wt do u xpct me to do."

Sanyu...bloody hell..thnks in mind and tells him..."Jz come out f car its enuf..."


She.."juz come out..ill tell you."

He.."..??. i cnt.m sry..i hv to go fr a meetng".

Sanyu.." seems lyk u nly hav a cmpany .i also hv and today is my frst day.And see wt u have done..buffaloo.nw wt wl dey thnk."

Guy..."chill..dey wnt do nythg..."

Sanyu.."wt do u knw..its a biig "

Guy "oh i see!..All the best then!"

Traffic lights come and sanyu goes in front splashing d gutter dirt on his car and show d sign..its payback..(She winks her eye when she shows its payback time)

He "What the hell?! ..payback huh? I will show you how to payback!"
He smirks and goes off...

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