Chapter Five

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It was around three in the afternoon when I was about to leave Camp Half-Blood. I just gotten my hunters settled into the cabin, after my honor, Percy came walking in the camp, his children in his hands. To say I was surprised, is an understatement. Walking over to the man, I offered my arms out, a gesture to let me help him. Not only did he have the twins, but he also had two diaper bags, one for each of the children, and behind them, there sat four suitcases.

Percy handed me Adonis and his diaper bag. I could see that the father of the two, was having a rough time...tear stains ran over his cheeks, his face flushed, and hair disheveled. I didn't ask, I just helped. I walked next to Percy, following him, where ever he was planning to go.

I want to know what happened. Why wasn't Annabeth here? Did they get into a fight? Did she kick out Percy? But why would she send her own babies with him? Both Percy and I knew that there is something different about Adonis and Calista, I don't know if Percy figured it out, because I sure haven't. You would think, that because I am a Goddess, that I would be able to figure this stuff out...

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself standing next to Percy, whom was talking to his fellow friends, Frank and Hazel.

"Please. I just need you to watch them for a little bit, while I get our stuff settled into my cabin." Percy said in a pleading tone.

The bulky, buzzed shaved head, whom is Frank, looked at the darker skinned daughter of Pluto, and smiled. "Yeah, of course Perce. We would love to watch, these little buddle's of joy."

Percy smiled, handed over Calista's diaper bag, as did I to Adonis's diaper bag. The son of Poseidon, looked down at his daughter, who had a full head of raven black hair, smiled and kissed her nose, whispering;

"Be good to your Aunt and Uncle." He then handed over Calista to Hazel. He then came over to Adonis and I, not taking him out of my arms, bent down and kissed his forehead.

"Be good, little man." He looked up at me and smiled. I returned the smile, then smiling at the little boy, starting to grow tuffs of hair, color not really noticeable yet, and handed him over to Frank.

On the walk back to the top of the hill, to retrieve his bags, He started to tell me what happened.

"Annabeth left us."

I gasped, never expecting that. "Why?"

He sighed, looking defeated. "Because she knew that there is something off about the twins. She finally figured that out. I really didn't know until now, either, not until Adonis's hair started to grow, and the color of Calista's eyes started to come in."

"Well what do you think it is Percy?"

He stopped, taking ahold of my elbow, making me stand in front of him. " There is no easy way to say this, and I have no idea how it happened. You remember the whole fantasy thing, between you and I?" I nodded. "Well, during that, you were pregnant. I remember waking up, to find Annabeth holding the kids instead of you. I was devastated. I wanted you to be the mother. I love Annabeth, I always will. But this...this is something different. Annabeth was my first love. Bu-but you, Artemis, you have been the one I have learned to love, the one who I can't stop loving, and I know that now. It took me a while. Adonis and Calista, I know for a fact that somehow, that they are yours and mine. I don't know how it could happen, but it did."

I couldn't help it, after the third sentence, I was crying. I thought that this day would never come, that Adonis and Calista were actually mine I had my suspicions, but I never thought that it would actually be true. Even goddesses have their doubts.

But now, as I throw my arms around Percy's neck, pulling into a kiss, I knew that none of this is a mistake, none of this will go to waste. I will love Percy. I will love Adonis. I will love Calista. And I will love the way that they love me.

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