"Look who it is" George grinned, his luminous red hair dangling close to his eyes. Hermonie and Ginny looked up from their conversation and casted a warm smile. George jumped on the dining table, slid across, and swiftly stopped at the edge. "What's with the look, kid?" he asked, clapping James on the shoulder in greeting. Out of all the family James had, George was his all time favorite. Both of them had a large sense of humor as well as a fun unserious attitude.

"Tired" James groaned bitterly, running his fingers through his hair. "Teddy snores like a bloody hippogriff in his sleep." George let out a bark of laughter and shook his head, revealing the large gaping hole on the side of his head where a ear should be. Teddy was a very close family friend to the Potters whom lost both his parents at the battle at Hogwarts. Refusing to stay with his grandma, Teddy was welcomed into the Potters household. Ever since, Teddy had been living with James. "I may just have the thing for you" he said in a business like tone, pulling out his wand from his blazer jacket. With a flick of his wand, a box of what looked like candy appeared on the table beside George. He then picked it up and handed it over to James. James blinked a bit confused for a moment and read the top of the box: 

Ton-Tongue Toffees

"What do - ?" 

"Makes your tongue swell and turn this wicked purple color. That will for sure shut his snoring up, plus make a good laugh. Only 2 Galleons for one pack" George said eagerly, holding out his hand. "Do we have a deal?" 

"Or..." James begins, resting the box of toffees under his arms. "I can give you one Galleon and some advice." George quirked a curious brow. "What? What advice do you have? ... Since when do I need advice?" he asked in a murmur, half talking to himself. 

"Guess you wont find out unless you accept the deal" James shrugged, his dark eyes roaming around the room while he whistled innocently. George narrowed his eyes into tight slits, looking deep in thought before slowly nodding his head. "It's a deal" he agreed as James placed the money in his hand. "Now what advice do you have for me, hm?" 

"Cut your hair" James stated loudly. "I know you and Bill are brothers and all but that doesn't mean you could pull off the long hair." With that said, James hid a grin and strode past his uncle who was jaw dropped. "Oh by the way... It kind of makes you look like my mum from behind. I once got you two confused for a moment" James chuckled maliciously to himself, moving through the room quickly before his uncle goes after him with some type of jinx. He heard a loud scoff and a grumble from behind. James knew perfectly well he was honest... George did portray the long hair which looked raggedy like his brother. Anyone with sense would think he looked much better with the short do. 

James quickly escaped the family hugs and kisses; ending up in the den where Rose and Lily where chatting along with Victoire and Dominique on the first couch. Louis and Hugo where on the other couch, deep in conversation about the last National Quidditch Match. James thought if he ran quick enough to the staircase, no one would even notice he was present. All it took was skill, timing and pure luck. Something he was lacking at the moment. 

Not even halfway through the den, Victorie caught sight of him and called him over. Now there was a choice. Should he suck it up and sit with them or plop right back into bed. The choice was obvious. Sleep. James made pretend he didn't hear her and simply lifted himself up the stairs tiredly and paced back into his room, locked his door, and fell onto his bed face first. He shoved his face into his pillow and shut his eyes, obviously pleased with himself by picking the right choice. His mind slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep when...  


"AH!" James jumped up with a start, his eyes searching around the room. Directly in front if him stands Teddy, his bright blue hair brighter then anything else in the room. He grinned for a brief moment and looked around curiously. "Bloody hell! Where've you been?" James said tiredly back into his pillow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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