The Missing Link

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Chapter One: Scarhead 

The chains attached to James's jeans thumped with each step he took down the wooden staircase. A bored expression casted among his face, his eyes droopy from past sleepless nights. The commotion from downstairs irked him up to a point where he finally decided to slide out of bed and rant for some quiet. Feminine squeals and screams echoed down the main hall and blasted in the kitchen. His fathers voice was also in tack, along with the familiar sound of his fiery headed uncle, Ronald Weasley. 

James moaned to himself, realizing what was probably going on. His aunt and uncle, along with his two cousins most likely stopped by for a pre - Hogwarts goodbye. This meant a noisy family dinner and a bunch of "look how much you've grown" from his uptight aunt, Hermonie. James loved his family like any other person would but seeing them almost every week was beginning to become irritating. He didn't know how long he would live if he heard another squeal from his cousin Rose's mouth. 

Taking in a deep breath, James forcefully pushed open the kitchen door. A loud thump vibrated from the other side of the door and a girlish yelp pierced James's ear drums. From behind the door, Lily Potter, James's little sister emerged, her right hand covering her forehead as blotchy patches of crimson erupted on her face. "This is the THIRD time, James!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her brother. James couldn't help but slip out a chuckle. This was true. This was the third time James accidentally hit her sister on the forehead with the kitchen door. "Don't stand so close to the door then, pimple head" James said with a broad grin. Lily grimaced sourly before shoving James hard in the chest. "I told you to stop calling me that! Just because I have red hair does not mean anything

"Whoever said I had to listen?" James questioned, his grin widening by the second. Before Lily could even shoot an insult, another fiery red headed girl tackled James from the front, embracing him in a meaningful hug. James let out a loud 'oomph' and caught the girl with reflex, catching himself before both of them fell. Rose squeezed James's shoulders one last time and freed him, a small, warm smile curving at her lips. "So good to see you again!" she smiled, her blue eyes glistening with excitement. "But will you lay off with your sister already? Why is it that every time we pay a visit, she is getting thumped in the head by you?" 

"Bad timing, I guess" James shrugged. "Like I said before, it isn't my fault she has a problem with standing behind the door. Besides, you would think she learned from the first time." 

"Or you would learn from the first time" Rose pointed out strictly, placing a hand on her hip. James mimicked her, tauntingly placing a hand on his hip with the same stern expression.  "Or you would learn from the first time" James said in a high pitched girl voice, mimicking his cousin, "Blah blah blah". Rose furrowed her brows and scoffed, looking completely bewildered. "I do not talk like that!" 

"Really? Because that's what I hear from your mouth all the time.." James said as he brushed past his cousin. "Pimple head" he added in a mutter under his breath. Rose scrunched her face, using all her self control to keep calm and not blast his head off with a hex. 

James moved over to the dining area of the kitchen where the adults where hugging and kissing one another on the cheeks with greeting. James's father, Harry, was patting his uncle, Ron, on the back. Ginny and Hermonie were deep in conversation about who knows what. Also present, was James's other uncle, George and his wife, Angelina. On the opposite side of the room, Bill and Fleur were chatting along with Albus. James stood in front of the ginger crowd, debating on whether he should stay and face the hair ruffling and patting on the backs or make a run for it back to his room where he would continue his sleep. Before he could even make a decision, George turned around and spotted him in the clear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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