01. Dull Pains and Aches

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" Ryan asked sleepily from beside me. I glanced over once again glad to see he hadn't aged since we'd fallen asleep.

He sat up and pulled my to him, leaning his head against mine. "I'm good." I said softly, closing my eyes. Soon I felt his body slump against mine and knew he was falling asleep again. I laughed and pushed him off me. "Come on you big lump, we have to get up."

I slid out from under the blankets and put my hands on my hips, watching as he just turned over and buried his head in my pillow. I rolled my eyes and took a step forward. "Ryan, don't make me-"

I stopped abruptly as a sharp pain shot through my entire body, making me freeze on the spot. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, as if my whole body had just stopped working, including my heart.

Ryan had sat up when I stopped talking and was watching me with a worried look. Another wave of pain washed over me and I doubled over onto the bed. Ryan caught me and cradled me to his chest. "Skylar? What's wrong?"

I bit my lip, a burning sensation sparking in my stomach, my arms exploding in painful tingles. I felt as if I was getting every disease possible in one day. I was suddenly very cold and curled up to Ryan, trying to soak up his warmth.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me, murmuring little nothings in my ear. I guess he had read my mind and knew that I had no idea what was wrong with me.

Soon the pains faded to dull aches, leaving me massaging my cheeks while Ryan rubbed my back. Now, I experienced pains and aches like this while I was pregnant but it was nothing compared to this. Not even the contractions had been as painful as that yet I didn't once cry out.

I kept my eyes shut, rubbing my fingers along the bones of my face, trying to locate the source of the aching. Ryan kept rubbing my back, taking some of it away but it didn't stop.

"What was that?" I croaked out finally, feeling a sharp pain through my skull. I rubbed my temples, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood.

"I don't know." Ryan said. "What kind of pain was it?"

"It felt like I'd just been stabbed in the back." I murmured. "Twenty times. And then it felt like I was on fire and then it felt like twenty thousand ants were eating my skin. And now it's a dull, painful ache. Throughout my whole body."

Ryan didn't say anything, just continued rubbing my back and leaned his head against mine. I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

That's when Jake decided to speak out into the silence with his adorable baby voice. "Momma?"

I lifted my head up groggily, letting out a sigh before going to get up. Ryan instantly laid me back down on the bed and stood up. He pointed at me. "You stay in bed, understood?"

I didn't complain and tried to get comfortable. Ryan walked over to Jake's crib where he was standing, holding onto the railing. He looked up at Ryan with my green eyes. Ryan smiled and picked him up. "Hey bud."

"Momma?" Jake asked, gesturing wildly in my direction.

"Momma's got to stay in bed today, Jake." Ryan murmured softly, walking back to the bed. "She does not feel good."

Ryan sat on the edge of the bed and Jake crawled out of his arms to where I was lying. Jake touched my face with his hand. "Momma....o.....o...o..kay?"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I sat up, ignoring the aches and Ryan's protests, and scooped Jake up in my arms. "Yes. Momma's okay, Jake."

He smiled, showing me his two bottom teeth and I felt the same overwhelming love and joy I felt when he was born wash over me. I could never stop smiling around this kid. "You want some breakfast, Jake?"

He nodded, his dark hair that he inherited from Ryan falling into his eyes a little. The tips of his hair curled a little at the end. I brushed it out of the way. "Come on. Momma's gonna make you some breakfast."

I stood with Jake in my arms, my body aching in protest but I ignored it once more. "Skylar." Ryan warned.

I gave him a look. "Momma's okay, right Jake?" I looked back to my adorable son in my arms.

He nodded. "Yea. Momma o..kay." It was obvious he was unsure about that word and that fact was downright adorable. "It's o...kay papa."

Ryan looked between the two of us. I gave him my best puppy dog look while Jake just smiled and waved with his small hand. Ryan sighed loudly, a hint of a smile on his face. He stood, still shirtless I may add, and kissed my forehead before ruffling Jake's hair. "Yes. It is Jake."

He turned to me. "Fine, Skylar, but if it gets worse, I will personally carry you up here myself. And Lish and Chloe can watch Jake."

I rolled my eyes but nodded, cringing slightly. Ryan gave me a look. He took Jake from my arms. I walked slowly out the door, each step aching like I'd just run a marathon. My feet dragged on the carpet as I walked down the stairs one step at a time.

Lish, Chloe, and Renee were in the kitchen. Lish's 12 month old son, Catcher, was in a high chair and she was feeding him bananas. I slumped down on one of the chairs and pulled a high chair in front of me. Ryan sat Jake in the high chair and grabbed a can of strawberry and banana baby food from the cabinet, handing it to me.

"Hey, good morning to you too." Lish mumbled, smiling at me.

I managed a small smile back, but my cheeks still ached. She notices almost immediately. "What's wrong?"

I opened the small can of baby food surprisingly with little effort and spoon fed Jake the first bite. Ryan answered before I could say anything. "She's in pain. She said and I quote 'It felt like I'd just been stabbed in the back. Twenty times. And then it felt like I was on fire and then it felt like twenty thousand ants were eating my skin. And now it's a dull, painful ache. Throughout my whole body.'"

Chloe glanced up from a book she reading. "Wow. Are you okay?"

"Are you pregnant again?" Renee blurted before I could answer.

"No." I snapped, rolling my eyes. "And I'm fine, Chloe, it just hurts."

Ryan took the spoon from my hand and continued feeding Jake before glaring at me. "Go up stairs, now, before I carry you."

I looked up at him. "Can you?"

He snorted slightly but handed the spoon and can to Chloe's outstretched hand. He then proceeded to pick me up bridal style and take me back upstairs. I leaned my head on his chest, feeling a tad bit better having him close to me.

He laid me in bed and pulled the covers over me, before standing up. He took one look at my curled up form and shook his head. Chloe, could you watch Jake today? I'll be down a bit later once Skylar falls asleep. He mind linked, crawling under the covers with me.

I curled up against him as she answered. Yeah.

"Go to sleep Skylar. Hopefully you feel better when you wake up." He murmured.

Same here. A voice murmured in my head but I was too tired and suddenly worn out to acknowledge that it hadn't been a pack member. I fell asleep quickly, the dull ache the last thing I remembered.



Well if not, go ahead and comment why. And if you are, VOTE and COMMENT! Hope you guys likes this first chapter and if you have any questions, go ahead and comment below XD

~You, you the better half of me, me, the half I'll always need, need~

Love you my lovely readers!!!! Stay Fabulous!!! <3

P.S. Go check out my best friends' books, Joining A Superhero League, Rouge Luna, and Just Memories (Girl0fFire) and Roses Are Red, Band Mate, and The Angel's Alpha (ashlinney) All of the stories are absolutely AMAZING and I would love if you guys would check them out  ;)


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