When I realize my vision is traveling to far south I look up and glare at him instead. I can see he realized my gawking because his cocky smirk is back. 

"What the hell did you do to him?" 

Jackson narrows his eyes. "I didn't do anything he didn't ask for." His voice is smooth and cold.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I sneer.

"It means exactly what I fucking said," he sneers back.

We glare at each other but I turn to my brother again when I hear him groan. His body is sweaty and blood seeps out of his lower lip. His left eye is swollen shut and his right eye keeps fluttering, half closed half open. 

All anger disappears and is replaced with worry.

People have calmed down now and seem to just talk amongst themselves, not really caring about Jackson, Tyler and me. 

The so-called judge is nowhere to be seen.

I clear my throat. "Is he gonna be okay?" 

"Dunno," he replies.

"Well could you check?" My voice is harder now, irritated.

"Not my job. He's your boyfriend." Jacksons voice is darker now, irritation laced in the words.

Boyfriend? Really?

I stand up and turn to Jackson, crossing my arms. "Really? Thats why you don't wanna help him?"

Jackson only shrugs his shoulders.

I glare at him. "That's so fucking selfish. You just beat him black and blue! He even surrendered but you still had to keep going! What the hell is wrong with you? Huh? And he's not even my boyfriend."

Jacksons continues to glare. "You seem to care awfully lot about someone who 'isn't your boyfriend'," he says, making air quotations.

I shake my head and let out a humorless chuckle. Then I take a step towards him in both irritation and anger. "He's not my boyfriend. He's my brother." 

Then I turn around again, trying to haul Tyler to his feet. He's not fully present yet, but he seem's to be getting there. I can see purple bruises already forming on his abdomen and I try my best not to accidentally rub against them. It's difficult though, as my small frame tries to basically carry his much bigger one. 

Some of the weight is lifted off of me and I see Jackson supporting Tyler on the other side. I look at him, expecting him to make some sort of remark but he doesn't. He's not even looking at me.

We make our way to the stairs and eventually up to the main floor. Jackson doesn't say anything and neither do I as we make our way to the parking lot. It stopped raining. 

When we reach our car we let Tyler lean against it but he can't even lean onto the car without our support. 

"I don't have the car keys," I say, looking at Jackson.

He shrugs his shoulders again and then rolls his eyes. "Well I don't have them either," he says, as if I'm stupid.

I narrow my eyes again and haul Tylers' weight over to Jackson. "I'll be back," I say and turn.

"Wow stop there. You're not going back in there by yourself."

I turn to look at Jackson. "And why not?"

"It's not safe."

I let out another humorless chuckle. Jackson remains serious though. "Well, I can't hold up Tylers' weight. He'll fall to the ground again."

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