Chapter 35 Wrecking Ball

Start from the beginning

Before she could jump into his arms, his huge arms encircled around her waist lifting her high and twirling her into circles.

"Mark" Elina blushed biting her lowerlip. She is so different shy and vunerable when her boyfriend is around her. Before she could utter any other word she's muted as Mark pulls her into a long, lingering , hot and passionate kiss.

Both of them wildly tasting and sucking each other's mouth till they had nothing to breath.

After the break when they were done breathing, Elina blinked her eyes twice, thrice and even more taking in if what see was seeing wasn't her mere imagination.

Confirmed after another couple of even higher pitched kisses, Elina confident that he is really there and he does love her back like she does to him, she staigthens her back, her shoulder back in stiff position as that of a self made successful woman who has the man who loves her for what she is she manages to speak as she works on her hair to steady them like a strict officer that she is.

She tightens her belt once gain as she speak "Well I was about to leave for my shift."

Ignoring her little series of words that came his way, Mark's green eyes getting more darker and vibrant as his eyes rests on the buckle of the belt that Elina is adjusting and then travels up and down over her body, lust engulfing his eyes as he speaks "How many times have I fantasized being spanked by that belt of yours, me lying underneath and you towering over me" he added, hi s voice showcasing all the delirious thoughts that were rummaging in his head "Officer."

If Elina had any walls of determination or control over her raging hormones that she'd tried to cement till now, they all went crumpling down with the seductive word that were spoken by her hot and handsome boyfriend whose well toned abdomen she'd dreamt of licking so many times last few months that they were apart.

How badly she wants those silky blond waves of his face to be all around her pillow and even falling on his forhead when he is all over her showing his big manhood making her shriek and when his pink subtle lips would take her name making them ring in her ears.

The dimples of his cheeks that would deepen once he'd climaxed and she tease him tightening her grip around his shaft, not letting him go, that chuckle... how badly she wants to hear it... Now.

She gives an angular look to her watch and says "I think I can squeeze you in. Anyways my shift starts an hour and half later. Let's see if you can be useful till then."

Taking Elina's words as a challenge expertised knowledge of Mark was put into action as he tossed and curled her on her bed making her moan and take his name out of pleasure... mere pleasure.

'How come you are here at this hour?' Elina asked as she looked around for her discarded uniform with no hurry to hide her credentials as she was very happy to be around like she was in front of Mark. "Where is your brother?"

"Hey don't look for this" Mark said as he moved the white satin around his pointer moving it in circles "I am keeping it."

Elina tried to grab it from him but failing miserably as he smirked towering over her "I guess my brother's doing exactly what I am doing right now" Mark said as he pulled Elina on his laps planting kisses at places that would make her wet even while she'd be working as he continued "I tried his apartment and even at places where I'd expect him , even the basket ball courts but he's no where so... you can guess it right where my brother would be at the moment probably warming the some girl in her beds"

'Brother's alike" Elina snorted with a smirk as she finally grabbed her undies from Mark earning a wince from him.

She pulled his wrists to find the source of his mild shriek.

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