Chapter 12

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   I walk into school one morning and I see Jessica and Megan talking. They are right next to my locker so I can't help but listen.
   "So, when are you going to tell Brandon?" Megan asks Jessica. I wonder what their talking about?
   "I don't know, I mean, what if he doesn't want it. What if he wants to abort it? I won't let him do that," Jessica says. What are they talking about.
   "He can't want to abort it!" Megan yells.
   "Last night Avery came up to me. She knows," Jessica says.
   "Knows about what?" Megan says. She looks up from messing with her nails. She zones out easily. Jessica looks around.
   "About the baby you dumb-o!" *gasp* OMG! Jessica is going to have a baby! With Brandon! This can't be happening! I get my books and walk down the hall in shock. Crystal stops me.
   "I have something to tell you!" She says.
   "I have something to tell you too," I say to her. "You go first!" I tell her.
   "Jessica is going to have a baby-" I cut her off.
   "That's what I have to tell you!" I say to her. Jessica and Megan walk by. Crystal and I stare. When you look really closely you can see a little bump. A baby bump. She's seventeen! Brandon is too. One time I asked him when he wanted to have kids and he said sometime in his twenties. He's seventeen! I know he isn't going to be happy about this. Crystal and I are still looking at Jessica as her and Megan walk up to Brandon. This is the big reveal! Jessica is talking. Brandon is nodding. Brandon and Jessica are kissing?! How- what-?! What just happened?! With all my 'clues' I'm just assuming Jessica didn't tell him. Although is she pregnant? Maybe we just heard it wrong! But what about the small baby bump? Is she just getting fat? Maybe... but it's not like her. I really didn't know what to think and I was furious at Megan from yesterday, and I kissed Cade! I haven't told anyone so no one knows... ugh! So many secrets and pressure, I CAN NOT handle! I really hope Emma takes everything well...
Crystal snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Hey! I was thinking, and I've had a small active phase, and maybe we can exercise together?" She asks. She goes through a lot of phases actually. Me too, but usually I stick to one.
"Okay! That sounds cool," I said trying not to think about Cade and everything else. "Not to brag but... I say I'm pretty fast runner!" I've always liked to run, I was on the track team since I was fourteen. So for three years.
   "Cool!" Crystal says. We both laugh.
"Well, one more class then I'll meet you in the parking lot!" Crystal says.
"Okay, see you there!" I say. I get to class and Megan and Jaxon are sitting next to each other. Ugh. I'm late so there is only one seat left, that is right next to Jaxon! I walk over and sit down. He looks at me then looks away. He looks back to Megan and they start laughing. The teacher walks in and they shut up quickly.
"Okay, looks like everyone is here so let's start!" The teacher says. "Take out your text book and flip to page number 77," he says while writing it down on the board. I do as told. "Dawn, you read this page," he says. But then someone walks in. He is tall, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. His cuteness level: 6-, no 7! He is SO cute!
"Oh, I forgot to mention, we have a new student! His name is Andy!" Our teacher says.
"Hey," Andy says. I like that name, Andy, has a nice ring to it.
"Well, there aren't any seats left so let me go get you one," Mr. Bolt says. "No talking class!" Everyone's eyes follow him as he walks out. One kid get up after he leaves and walks over to the door. He looks both ways, closes the door then yells, "He's gone!"
Everyone starts talking. Jaxon and Megan talk to each other. If you listen closely you can hear that they are flirting. I just jot down some notes about the page I have to read when he gets back. I see Andy walk up to me out of the corner of my eye. I put my pencil down and look up.
   "Hey, I'm Andy," he says to me and shoves his hands in his pockets.
   "I'm Dawn," I say back. There is a awkward silence.     
   "So... how long have you been going to school here?" He asks me.
   "Since freshmen year," I tell him.
   "Cool!" He says. Then, the teacher walks in.
   "I thought I said no talking," he snapped. "Well, next time this happens, detention for all of you! Understood?"
   "Yes Sir," we all say. Andy is still and stands right next to me. Jaxon looks over and gives him a glare. Mr. Bolt sits Andy's desk down next to mine. Yay!
"This is where you will be sitting, Andy," Mr. Bolt says and walks back to the front of the class. Andy sits down. "So, where were we? Ah, yes. Dawn, please read page 77," the teacher says. I read the whole page. It takes what feels like forever. Finally, class is over. I walk to my locker. Andy walks up to the locker next to me.
"Hey Dawn, right?" He asks me.
"Yeah." I say with a smile hiding the tears I cried from Megan.
"I was wondering if you would show me around sometime? I'm from California." Andy says.
"Aw, cool! And yeah sure." I responded. I've always wanted to visit California. Well actually every state. I also want to travel all around the world. But I have always loved California! I have so many crop tops that say California on them!
   "Great!" He says.
   "Well, I'll see you tomorrow I have to go meet my friend Crystal at her house," I tell him.
  "Okay, see you tomorrow," he says and walks away. I put my books in my locker and walk out to the parking lot. As soon as I get to my car I see Jaxon and Megan kissing! Right next to MY car! My heart sinks right away. I open the car door but they don't notice. I just start the car and drive away.

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