Chapter 11

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I had heard of what Megan said to Dawn. It was a genius idea for Megan to pull! Usually I would pull things like that. I was looking at my social medias, as I felt nauseous. Oh no! I quickly dropped my phone on my bed and went straight to the bathroom, to PUKE! Ew! I held my hair as the gushy barf came out of my mouth. I wiped my mouth with a napkin afterwards and drank water. It really sucks I have to throw up every morning. Only about two more months of this... but then I'll be closer to birth.
It was just about a week ago when I found out I was pregnant! Yes, you heard me right, PREGNANT. I was casually on my phone in the morning and I threw up! It lasted for three days, until I realized... that I should take a pregnancy test. And it came out positive! I may seem calm, but I can assure you I'm not! A baby is growing inside me, and I don't want it to! But I would never abort it... maybe adoption? I still haven't told my parents or anyone. Well anyone besides Megan. She's like a sister to me... my parents wouldn't even care. Not that they're here anyway! I went back to my room and cried. I haven't cried in about three years. At least cries of sorrow... what got me in this situation...? Well Brandon of course. That night he stayed here when only my mom was home. He left at about 4am. My mom didn't even suspect a thing. And BAM, I'm pregnant! This is my seventh week... my baby bump is starting to pop up a bit, so I've just been wearing loose dresses, except I make it fashionable! Megan helps me a lot, and she said she'll help me when the baby is born too. She's the one that took me to the doctor to find out the truth... I was hoping the test was just... wrong. But also part of me had excitement for a kid. But at seventeen?! A teen! I couldn't take care of it! I still haven't told Brandon, the FATHER! I can't tell him... well it won't last for long, since my bump is showing... and also I wouldn't be at parties for the next seven months! I can't drink! I'm going to protect this baby that's growing inside me, the best I can. I heard a knock at my door and I opened it, expecting to see my mom or dad. But it was just Avery. My perfect sister...
"Hello Jk," Avery said smirking. That was her nickname for me ever since we were little. I called her Avy, and she called me Jk, since my name is actually Jessica Kay. But now it just bothers me. "I saw you throwing up... are you sick?" I gulped. Only if she knew.
"Oh, I'm fine... just feeling a little sick, that's all... now if you would please live me alone!" I said kind of grumpy. She always got on my nerves. Always stealing things from me!
"Well maybe some drinks at the bar'll make ya feel better?" Avery said. No! No! NO!
"I'm fine, thanks." I said trying to end the conversation quickly. I try to close the door but Avery puts her foot in the doorway. I roll my eyes.
"Why not? You always want to drink."
"I'm just tired... and maybe I'm doing something later?" I lied and hoped she would leave me alone!
"Whatever," she scoffed. "But just to let you know, you're secret is safe with me." W-what...?
"What s-secret...?" I said nervously. She couldn't know! Just couldn't...
"That your," she said and got closer to me and whispered, "Pregnant at seventeen."
I looked at her with a panicked expression. How'd she find out?! She's only been here for four days...
"How did you find out?" I said gritting my teeth.
"I'm not stupid, Jessica." She said leaving the room. I thought hard. Only Megan knew and she wouldn't tell... maybe Avery is smarter than I give her credit for! I thought I was handling my secret pregnancy pretty well, actually. But I guess not, if she found out, which I couldn't connect the dots to. I just hope she keeps her word, and keeps my secret...

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