Chapter II: What did I do now?

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“What's meant to be will always find a way” ― Trisha Yearwood

 I walked inside my house with my book bag hanging from my shoulder. I saw my mom here which was weird but that quickly changed when she turned around in her work uniform.

                “Mom what are doing here? I thought you had work?” I said.

                “I did I had a break and came home to get something. Have you seen your brother?” She asked as she crossed her arms.

                “No” I quickly replied.

                I found it quite odd how she would ask me that knowing that he’s rarely ever here. She had a frown but quickly covered it up with a smile and hurried out the door. I made my way upstairs headed towards my room. I plugged up my phone to my speakers and let the music flow through them. I quickly sang along to a song I knew all too well.

 Lately when I look into your eyes

Baby I fly, your the only one I need in my life

Baby I just don't know how to describe,

How lovely you make me feel inside

You give me butterfly’s

Have me flying so high in the sky

I can't control the butterfly’s

You give me butterfly’s

Have me flying so high in the skyyyy

I can't control the butterfly’s

I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs to see who was there. It was my friend Tori, she’s 23. We met at this bar a while ago. This girl from my school tried to jump me and she stepped in and fought with me. Ever since then we’ve been tight. I over looked her outfit, she always dresses pretty while I have my own unique style. I don’t really like to dress like everyone else, I like to stand out and just be me.

                “Did you color your hair again?” I asked.

                “Yeah girl, you like it? I decided to go pink this time” she smiled and twirled her hair.

                “I love it. I wish I had the balls to change my hair color like that. I don’t even like getting my split ends cut.”

                “Sometimes you gotta try new things in order to find yourself. Plus I think you’d look pretty with some blonde streaks or something. Aren’t you tired of just having plain black hair?” She took off her shoes, taking off her jacket.

                “Yeah but I love my plain black hair, thank you very much” I giggled and we headed upstairs.

                We decided to get out the house and just go somewhere. We always just get up and drive not knowing where we’re going or where we’ll end up. I love spontaneous gestures. We pulled up to a diner and got out the car. By no time we were in a booth talking about random stuff when our two other friends Laith and Andrew came in.

                “Bro I’m telling you the Heat is way better than the Lakers they have some of the best players.” Andrew said arguing with Laith over which team is better than the other.

                “That’s bull and you know it Drew. Anyway’s hey Meli (mee-lee)” Laith said sitting down

                “Haven’t I told you to stop calling me that?” I sneered.

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