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Days mount pass, continuing with their visits. Any chance she'd get she would secretly break off a strip of thick white paint from the walls; as long a-pieces as she could get it. She wasn’t that good at it, and sometimes it wouldn’t be long enough or it would break but after doing it for a while she succesfully would be able to very carefully and concentratedly curl off longer pieces from the walls without them snapping or breaking. The walls were peeling anyway and no one would notice. Genicanthus got her the ink pen like she asked, she actually requested for a pencil but that was the only thing they had in IKTRIBIA to scriven with. Odd: she thought.

She said she wanted it to doodle pictures on herself and rub it off for fun when she'd be bored and he'd be gone and she was there in her room alone. He didn't second question it though Naomi warily didn't request for paper just in case he'd ask later to see what she'd been drawing. Paper would be too easy and yet too dangerous. 

Taking another opportunity, Naomi curled off another piece of the paint. Hiding it, writing on it, she kept her back to the door if someone should perade in. In black ink she wrote in cursive,

I don’t belong here

Every note was the same. I don't belong here. I don't belong here. In case anything would go wrong or perhaps she would forget just like how Genicanthus forgot his name. How could anyone ever forget their own name? She wondered in disbelief. But he couldn't remember and she knew that but she refused and to be damned if forgetting her own memory. Not happening. After writing I don't belong here she quickly stuffed it somewhere it couldn't be seen; in which her condition was only the bed and the ticking clock. She slipped it secretly in the bed.

Heath was no longer allowed in which gave Naomi some security and relief. It was easier knowing only one person likely to come potentially in during trying to hide a note than two. She didn’t want to see him anymore, he was meant to help her, save her, not keep her hostage. It didn’t matter anymore because time could pass without him now and she wasn’t so scared anymore. She had felt oddly adjusted.

Genicanthus and Naomi had become good friends throughout the time. They talked a lot and frequent on the most random of things. It didn’t have to be socially norm, or judged upon whatever odd topic it was; just whatever came up in their heads first they’d speak about. It was more interesting that way anyway than the same old boring concepts you’d talk about to friends. More than anything they made each other laugh and got along great. Besides the bad sides of having to be tied to the bed each time he left, which he came daily to visit and let her stretch and move around unlike Heath did. But she had bigger plans.

She had made her own stratagem. Hers was to behave well and act with gratitude like they wanted. No longer screaming. And she didn’t fight with her watcher. There was no reason to either; they seem to get on good. The next step was to gain the elders trust when she’d be allowed free, of course that would maybe take some time but be much quicker if she talked fondly of actually wanting to see the scenery . . . and then, when the moment was right... and unpredicted, she’d get the hell out there once and for all. Whether the passage was under or over it didn’t matter. Soon enough she’d be free.  


Chapter 9!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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