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Moving languidly, everything moved in motion too fast in Naomi’s head. Her head ached inside and out from all she had absorbed recently and her legs felt sore from running. Shakily trying to get up, wobbling as she did so, she took a step then another losing balance and fell to the floor. Ca-ploom! She stared at her hands, holding her up that had slightly soften the fall. She made a promise to herself then and there she wasn’t going to faint again. She was back in her room. The ticking tock in the background and nothing else but a bed. Not again... She sighed in a miserable musk. Dropping her back to floor she lied staring at the celing not bothering to get up, gathering up her energy. She saw the door open wide with two black boots stepping in. She knew whose they were. Quickly pushing back, she got herself into the sitting position and stared at who it was. It was Heath. There was a smile to her face until she saw what he was holding – rope.

“Stop! Stop!! Please stop!” Naomi cried! Heath was behind her, her groped by the waist. Naomi was fighting back, using every chance she had to run away but Heath got caught of her every time. He just further apologized as he did so, saying it was for her own protection. He meant it too but Naomi didn’t want to be forced into anything, including tight rope. Struggling for release, he kept saying, sorry, sorry, sorry. Heath pushed her onto the bed. Before she could jump up to run he was overtop of her, smothering her. His weight holding her down by his strength from his muscular arms. He further kept apologising saying, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm trying to help you. He tied her left wrist first in panick while Naomi trying to push and hit him away. Heath couldn’t do a simple thing like lock the door for her safety because the place was prehistorical. No locks.

After tying her first wrist he changed course tying her ankles as fast as he could to stop her from kicking. She screamed at the top of her lungs till they burnt! Heath kept going frantically. Heath ran to the other side finally tying down her last wrist as she continued to beg for him to stop. After he was done he stood there fidgety and panicky, not really knowing what to do? Naomi kicked and hopelessly tried to get out of the rope. Pulling her body up as far as the rope would allow but each time falling down onto the bed. Awkward and scared he quickly bent down and pecked her on the cheek and left closing the door to slightly quieten the screaming. With the door shut, there was nothing but the black darkness of the night with no light showing. Naomi furiously screamed till her face burnt red!!


Chapter 7!

Just a real short one

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