This is the Start Line!

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HEYYYY GUYSSS!!! UHH i'M REALLY SORRY FOR THE SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE, i really had a hectic year. it also made me ponder if I should continue writing fanfics.

however, I returned and I'll start updating once again!!!! Plus, thank you A-chan for beta reading this chap! ARIGATOU

thank you for all of the comments and reviews, it made me realllllllly happy. I hope that you guys will continue reading this story

Red orbs were staring at the puffy clouds that were moving gradually in the vast sky. Kagami was seated on one of the benches in the school, under the shadows of a massive tree. The red head's face was gazing at the skies, and he reached out his hands to it.

"Ah~ the clouds look like cotton candies! I want one so badly~" Kagami mumbled as his eyes were threating to close, but it was stopped by a grumbling. The teacher patted his stomach and glared at the far reaching skies, "Damn you Aomine, I hope you get poisoned by the bento you stole from me."

Kagami sighed and stood up when he heard the last bell going off. He started walking to the teacher's lounge leisurely, "Seems like it's time for me to shine..." the red head yawned.


"EEEWWW! Aomine-chi! Cover your mouth when you sneeze-ssu!" Kise shouted at his friend and made a disgusted face.

Aomine ignored the blonde and smirked, "Somebody must be talking about my awesomeness, must be a beauty too!"

Everybody looked at Aomine and sighed, "What?" Asked the navy head.

"No way" they said at the same time, and moved their hands in a 'no' gesture. The tanned teen made a predator move by jumping at his prey, chasing his friends around. It all stopped when Akashi coughed.

They looked at the emperor who had the most determined and serious face. They all nodded to him because from that look, they knew that hell was waiting for them.

The skittles crew marched off to their unreadable destiny.

Kagami entered the gym, he looked around and he was seriously amazed. The school must spent billions of yens on the gym. Don't forget that there are three more gyms beside it. Red orbs switched between the equipment. Kagami's smile grew wider, as the place made him feel that he was glad more than anything that he returned to japan; especially to this school. Maybe the red head should thank him. Well, since he was the one who saved him after all.

The teacher's smile softened at the thought. He inclined his back on the gym's humongous door, and looked at his partner. The wolf sensed his master's gaze and looked up to him. The red head crouched to Kibou and the red orbs held large amount of warmth. He placed his hand on the wolf's silky fur and looked into the silvery eyes, "Maybe I really should thank him, without him I wouldn't have met you." He beamed.

Kibou's cat like eyes softened and licked his hand. The red head felt his eyes watering at the memories that kept repeating through an endless loop of memories.

"EWW, gross, why the hell are you balling your eyes out?"

A voice popped suddenly behind Kagami, the red head felt that he cracked his neck when he immediately turned his head to the voice. Aomine stood in the middle with a disgusted face, while Kuroko had a worried complex, and Momoi who hugged the teal head's arm was the same. On the other hand, Kise and Akashi had the same expression as Aomine. However, Midorima looked away from the scene, while Murasakibara continued eating his maiubo and other snacks.

Kagami's cheeks were painted with dark red, and he rubbed his eyes rapidly, erasing the traces of his tears.

Kuroko wanted to jab Aomine's side, but it was stopped by Kagami's clapping. Then all of the attention was directed towards him.

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