24/7 - Love

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Know that I love you;

when it's 6:31 am

and you've just rolled

out of bed,

and your makeup is

smeared underneath

your eyes.

Know that I love you;

when it's 12:43 pm

and you're staring

at your lunch with

a look of disgust

and you can't seem

to take a bite.

Know that I love you;

when it's 1:54 pm

and you're in the bathroom

trying to make it

through the rest of

the day without

breaking down in tears.

Know that I love you;

When it's 6:51 pm

and you're trying

to get out of dinner

and ignore the yelling

coming from your


Know that I love you;

when it's 1:45 am

and it's happening again.

when you can't stop

crying and you only

want it to end.

Know that I love you.

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