Chapter 10

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   Hades was busy gathering ingredients for the spell in order to get the magic out of the trophy and into him. He vanished into the forest in search for a four leaf clover and water from the stream. Closing his eyes imagining the stream of clear water running through the middle of the forest, reopening them to find he had magically appeared to his destination. Waving a hand a cup was in his hand as he scooped up some water. Hades knew there was only one place he could find a four leaf clover and that was near the graveyards. Magically appearing at the graveyard he saw a dozen stones, flowers on each of them all but one. Peter Pan didn't have any flowers on his grave. Hades chuckled in sick amusement at this, the grave stone next to Peters is Clover with a dozen roses laid down for her. Hade kneeled down watching the roses slowly die as his hand made contact with them, something caught his eye as he rose his head back up to meet exactly what he was looking for. The four leaf clover set upon the gravestone and Hades retrieved it heading for the next ingredient.

Meanwhile Peter and Clover gave Zelena a chance to relax before they started in on their plans. The two of them catching up in the Victorian relaxing on the couch. The brunette rested her head on Pans shoulder, she took in his scent that seemed to be a faint pine from the forest and a general musk. She felt at ease though her guilt still pinged inside her, torturing her every time her eyes met his. Pan looked down at her seeing the distant look in her eyes he knew that look well. "What's wrong love?" He asked. "I... I.. nothing it's just I'm worried about the plan" she faltered as the words left her mouth, she didn't want to tell him of her guilt. Peter rose a brow "That isn't it and I know it.. love I forgive you for hurting me" he reassured, his green orbs shimmered with worry. A small smile crossed her lips and she pressed them against his. Returning the kiss he rested his hand on her cheek gently guiding it behind her head. His fingers tangled into her hair careful not to pull, she ran her fingers through his hair as well until the kiss was broken for a breath.

Clovers cheeks became red as she sat there dumbfounded looking into his eyes. She saw the childishness in them and knew she was stuck with him. She didn't mind that, he was hers no matter what happened between them. Pan broke the silence "tonight love, we will go home, all three of us and I won't ever let anything happen to you again" he promised with a look of seriousness. Clover couldn't get the words to come out of her mouth so she smiled in awe at his words seeing him so protective made her head spin and butterflies fly in her stomach. They eventually fell asleep for a couple hours awaiting for the right time to strike.

Zelena was at the diner sipping on coffee to keep her awake as she thought about tonight. It was thirty minutes till seven now until the plan would begin. She heaved a sigh wondering if she could do this but thinking of what was to come if she didn't. Her heart wrenched in her chest and her fists clenched around her coffee cup squeezing hard. She let a few tears slip away from her cheeks, the grip on her mug softened and she slowly laid her head on the table falling asleep.

Finally the clocks struck seven Hades was on the last ingredient preparing the spell. Zelena woke up just in time to see Pan and Clover heading out of the house, both shooting a good luck glance to her. She nodded and vanished into the forest entering Hades lair. "Hades we need to talk" she said softly her eyes lingered on his when he turned around to greet her. "I don't talk to traitors Zelena" Hades exclaimed. "Maybe I've ditched the two of them Hades.. maybe there tied up somewhere or fighting" she lied, edging closer to Hades until she was close enough to kiss him. Hades looking pled down at her confused. "Hades I want to go to Storybrooke with you, I want to go wherever you go I don't care if it means destruction and no power" she chirped and pleaded. Hades pulled her close to him whispering in her ear "thank you love" he said before kissing her gently. He felt his heart spring to life as he kissed her full of passion. It hadn't worked on him until now which he found rather odd but never complained. "Now it's time love I must begin the spell. Zelena smiled and stood back allowing him to continue.

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