Chapter 2

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'Why did he seem so familiar, maybe I met him before I died.. maybe he's the one Hades was telling me about' she thought as she began flipping through pages of a book she found in Pan's shop. Pan had his eyes on her remaining silent as he was dusting the shelves. She forgot he was there and shifted uncomfortably under his stare.

The silence taunted her so she spoke "So how did you get here?" She decided to question him. That stopped him in his tracks "I'm afraid it doesn't matter to you how I got here. It isn't any of your concern" he said quite rudely.

    Clover frowned and gave a small huff in disappointment "It was just a question no need to get all rude" she remarked folding her arms over her chest childishly.

He truly missed the look on her face when she tried to talk back to him it was quite a delight. A soft sigh escaped his pink lips "Has Hades spoken to you yet?" Pan asked his eyebrows danced as he spoke. Clover looked up at him and nodded. "Yes, he has".
His brows furrowed "What did he tell you?" He questioned further. "All I know is I'm apparently stuck here" she replied not wanting to tell him the rest.

    Pan walked over to her and kneeled down his eyes seemed to be darker than before. His expression the usual a very smug look he seems to have stuck to him forever. "That isn't all he said is it? Tell me?" He demanded in a hushed tone. Clover felt intimidated by his gaze and the fact that he was inches from her face. She sighed might as well tell the little devil. "Fine, he kind of mentioned I'd run into someone that could help me remember what happened to me.. or the person who caused me to be here in the first place" she admitted averting her eyes from his.

    He tensed and clenched his fists standing up "I have to take care of something meet me here tomorrow" he said circling his finger before purple smoke appeared and he vanished before she could say anything else. Clover sighed "what the bloody hell have I gotten myself into" she whispered to herself as she decided to go back to her Victorian house taking the book with her. It seemed interesting it was full of stories that were familiar but twisted. It was called "The Untold Stories of The Underworld" it had Hades in it of course and for some reason she came across a blank page. What was more strange is she was in it.. and so was Pan.

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