Chapter 3

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    Pan entered Hades layer "Why did you do it?" Pan asked in a dark tone. His fists clenched as his blood boiled.
    Hades turned around in his chair with a shit eating grin on his face. Folding his fingers over each other looking at Pan. "I'm afraid your going to have to be a little more specific" he replied.
   "Don't play games with me Hades, Clover she doesn't remember anything why have you taken her memories!" He shouted his low British tone echoing off the walls of the place.
    "Says the one who plays his own games you of all people should understand never get into someone else's business especially down here. You may run it all fine and dandy in Neverland but here, this is my kingdom and you are my peasant if your done please exit before I bring out my Chernobog" Hades warned as he stood up looking down on Pan as he got closer.

Pan knew not to stir Hades anger further so he disappeared. Hade smirked and went back to doing what he does best. Meanwhile Clover finally made her way to rest for the night since it was pretty late. Her tummy grumbled and she realized she hadn't eaten since she got here. That was about 12 or so. She went to the kitchen and found a sandwich no doubt from that diner she saw while in town. When she finished dining she put on a cute light green nightgown she found and wore it sinking into the warm bed. Surprisingly it was comfortable for a place in hell. She glanced at the book that was on the nightstand daring to reread it to try and solve what it meant but her sleepy eyes won as she fell into a deep sleep.

There was a knock at the door at about 7:30 am. 'Gee wonder who could be waking me up this early.. the only person I know is boy wonder in a suit.' She thought as she groggily got up with a yawn, her dark brown hair ruffled as she came down stairs. The knock came again until she reached the door and opened it. What do you know it was boy wonder. "Clover, we need to talk" Pan said. 'Sure what else could I be doing at 7:30 am in the morning' she thought as she stepped aside to let him in."what is it?" She questioned with arms folded her nightgown suited her tan skin nicely. It added a bit of glow to her soft skin. Pan took a minute to notice before he cleared his throat and began "Hades took away your memories and I'm going to figure out why and I think I know a way to find out why. But first I need to help you regain your memory" he said.

Clover took a minute to process all this "o-okay and how exactly do you plan on doing that?" She asked raising a brow and a hand on her hip.
      "It's going to sound crazy but, your going to fall in love with me" he said. Clover sat back and laughed pretending to wipe a tear from her eye from laughter "oh that's a good one Pan but I assure you I won't be falling for someone like you" she said with conviction. 
      If Pan had a heart it would've dropped to his stomach at her words. Instead he gave her a hard glare and his lips in a thin line. She saw the serious look on his face and eased back into reality. "Your serious, how is that going to help us find out why Hade wanted my memories" she asked.

He approached her bringing his lips to her ear whispering "you'll see soon enough, I just need you to trust me" he said. Clover pressed her hand against his chest giving him a little push to give her space. "I don't know if I can trust you..." she admitted truthfully. "You will" he said confidently before stepping away "You should get back to sleep you look tired" he added with that shit eating smirk on his face. She gave him that are you kidding me look and with that he left. She huffed to herself and then remembered she could've shown him the book but she decided later would be better. Right now she had to deal with how she was gonna love an egotistical bastard such as himself.

Somehow she managed to fall back asleep for a couple more hours. There wasn't any bright light but she awoke with a sense that it would be about ten. She rolled over seeing the clock read 10:30. Smiling peacefully she got up and started to make herself some hot cocoa with cinnamon. The brunette sighed as she sipped on her cocoa suddenly recalling her and Pans convo the other night and tried to shake it away. She did take time to realize he was quite handsome even with that smug look on his face. His lips were pink and defined and seemed so soft and supple. 'Woah hold up not happening he is so not my type' she thought as she went back upstairs to get dressed in an outfit she found.

     A cute green top with a tan scarf, black jeans, and brown boots

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

     A cute green top with a tan scarf, black jeans, and brown boots. She wore a gold tan bracelet around her wrist to complete the outfit. She looked in the mirror giving herself a once over combing her luscious locks. "Damn I clean up good" she said aloud but giggled when she sounded vein. She hated sounding that way but shit happens. She exited her bedroom and decided to go have breakfast at the diner.

     Clover entered the diner seeing a blonde woman who seemed blind. She was witch but seemed to sense her presence. "What can I get you today" she said. Startled by the woman's voice not expecting her to notice she spoke "I'll take a bagel with cheese" Clover replied sweetly. The witch whipped up her order and set it on the bar counter "thank you" the brunette said as she found a place to sit. Taking a couple bites out of the bagel it was tasteless. But her stomach insisted on being filled so she ate until it was full and content.

Suddenly a note caught her attention as it appeared on the table to the right of her. She nervously unfolded it and it read the following:

Dear Clover,

I suppose you have forgotten you were suppose to meet me at my shop today. I figured as much, we have a lot to discuss and I'm sure you have something you need to share with me. Something that might help us both when your finished with breakfast come hither.


Peter Pan

      'Oh crap, I forgot I was suppose to meet him, geez he's so bossy and impatient' she thought after she read it. She got up and started for the door to go see "Mr. Impatient". When she reached the shop she drew in a breath and stepped in and there he was standing at the desk with a purpose. A strange feeling stirred up inside the brunettes stomach as she walked over to him, her boots thumping against the floor. "Well I see you got my note love" Pan said with an eyebrow raised and an amused look on his face. You just want to reach out and smack him but hug him at the same time. "Yes, I did now how did you know I had something to tell you?" Clover asked with both hands on her hips.

"I know everything love" he replied gawking at her for a moment before continuing "now I believe you have some sort of... book that you got from the shelf?" He questioned. Clover rocked on her heels as pink dusted over her cheeks from his gaze. "Y-yeah but I forgot it, I could go back and get it" she responded anxiously looking for any excuse to leave. "No need I have magic" he stated simply as he thought of the object and it appeared in the palm of his hand. 'Of course he had magic' she thought mentally kicking her self for being so stupid. "Now let's have a look shall we" he chirped opening the book and skimming through it. Pans expression dropped to something much darker as he saw the pages were telling our story. An untold story that not even he the one who knew everything would know the end of our tale.

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