Chapter 5

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     Clover fluttered her forest green eyes, rubbing them as she sat up. The clock read 7:30 am. A sly smirk fell over her defined features as she slipped out of bed and went downstairs to make some breakfast. Sneaking up the steps quietly as to not wake Pan up, she crept down the hallway opening his door. Her heart leapt as she saw him sleeping with a childlike expression, his face against the pillow, his fingers clutching it as if his life depended on it. 'He was so cute' she thought as she noticed there wasn't even an ounce of alert or anger shown on his face like she had seen their previous moments together.

Setting the tray of eggs, bacon, and toast with a glass of orange juice down on the bedside table, she didn't want to wake him but the food would get cold, not to mention he woke her this early one morning so they would be even after all. Giving him a small nudge as if you would a child "Peter.. Peter wake up" she urged softly. She was about to get up when she felt a hand grip her wrist. He was awake. Stirring in the bed Peter sat up looking at her rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "You woke me up at 7:30 am?" His nose scrunched up as he pouted raising a brow. Grinning, Clover nodded "Now were even" she said before handing him the tray "I also made you breakfast, you're welcome" she added an innocent look written on her face.

"Thanks" he said as he took the tray, a small smile played on his lips. As he ate he noticed she didn't have a any "aren't you going to eat?" He asked an eyebrow raised. Shaking her head no "I'm not too hungry right now" she replied. With that he nodded and continued eating. Clover got up to go get cleaned up and dressed. She threw on a dark green knitted top, a black skirt that nearly grazed the tops of her knees, and black flats. She glanced at her hair in the mirror mentally voting whether to wear it up or down. Messing with her straight brown, mess of hair she decided to throw it in a messy cute bun. With a hand on her hip she smiled her, her features were more pale since she had been down in the underworld with barely any sunlight.

"Beautiful as always my love" a voice came from the doorway, Clover whipped around nearly knocking over the brush that was set on the dresser in front of her. It was only Pan, he had apparently finished breakfast and cleaned up himself. He wore the same suite only this time he wore a large black coat that buttoned up in the front. He had that smug look on his face again. "Heavens sake Peter, you scared the hell out of me!" She shot a glare, it vanished as quick as it came. "Your not so bad yourself handsome" she complimented. "I try" he responded simply walking over to her, his arms wrapped around her waist. Clover smiled looking up at him, placing her hands onto his shoulders. "So, how about we go for a walk?" He asked looking back down at her. "Sounds good to me" she chirped.

As the two headed downstairs just about to leave a familiar voice was heard "Going somewhere?" It said with impish features across its face. The owner of the voice sat at the counter stools in the kitchen. Peter clinched his fists whipping around "What is it now Hades?" He snarled. Clover shot daggers at Hades as she rose her head up to meet his gaze. "Oh, nothing just you two are so adorable I couldn't miss this very moment to check in on how it's going" he feigned innocence. "Well it was going decent, until you came in" Clover scoffed. Her fingers curled into a ball, her face contorted in annoyance. "Fine, if you're sure you can trust Pan that's fine by me" Hade paused. "But doesn't it seem suspicious how he knew you before you came down here, and yet didn't bother to mention it" he continued. Peter knew what Hades was doing and he wouldn't be taken down so easily "Maybe I didn't want to frighten her, she was already scared enough finding out she was dead" he defended.

Clover gawked at Hades then back to Peter unable to acknowledge either one. Both were correct Pan didn't say anything before, and she was also scared enough as it was so someone is lying. She was about to speak until Hade continued his games "Or maybe your hiding something, I think it's time you knew what kind of monster you're dealing with Clover" he said as he got up from the kitchen stool slowly walking towards them till he was in front of them. Pan pulled Clover to the side before she could make a comment. Clover looked at him surprised before listening. "Don't listen to him he's playing games, I wouldn't ever hurt you on purpose... my four leaf Clover" Pan assured in a hushed tone. The brunettes forest green eyes locked on his in pure shock as those words 'four leaf clover' triggered another memory. But not just a portion.. the truth.


"Cuckoo!" Pan crowed rallying the lost boys into a game of hide and seek. "The rules are simple Clover, you run and hide and I and the boys will find you" he explained with elfish features. Clover got wide eyed but understood, she took off running into the woods. They gave her a 20 minute head start before chasing after their prey. Her heart was pounding like a drum as she ran as fast as she could muster, tripping over a large tree trunk that had grew out over the years. She had her hands out in front of her to keep from face planting. Quickly recovering she continued until she found a small hideout in a cave. The boys were hooting and hollering in search for her. 'Oh god' she thought not knowing what was to come when they found her.

Meanwhile Peter Pan decided to search for her as well ending up at hangman tree (the one she passed not too long ago). A well known voice whispered to him and he covered his ears wincing slightly before it stopped. A note was hanging on one of the tree limbs. Pan ambled over taking the parchment, opening with nervousness in the pit of his stomach. It read:

Dear Peter Pan,

Bring the girl to me and don't play any games, you know there is only one way to get her here in the underworld and that is to simply kill her. I know you have that power but I will remind you that if it isn't done, I have a much more hellacious present for her. So either you bring her to me willingly or I take her by force. The choice is yours but I'd hurry my chernobog is hungry.


Tearing at the note with rage, Pan was barely able to conceal the tears that threatened to pour down his cheeks in sheets. Holding it back he swallowed the lump in his throat. Hearing Felix approach "What is it Pan?" Felix knew better than to question Pan when he was angry but he was also his best friend. "I have to do something... that I really wish I didn't have to" Pan answered before whistling to call off the lost boys. "Felix, lead the boys back to camp, I most likely won't be back for a long time" he exclaimed. Felix nodded and they gave each other one last glance before parting ways.

Clover waited out for a while hearing a whistle in the distance. 'Was the game over?' She pondered, determining to come out of the cave. She eased out cautiously looking around. No sign of the boys or Pan. A twig snapped from behind her she froze not wanting to know what could be stalking her now. Closing her eyes instead as if she would wake up from a dream, the sound getting closer "Don't move Clover" Pan's voice came about from a distance in front of her. The creature that had been stalking her, three giant doglike heads, and large paws thundered toward her from behind. Pan reached into his pocket pulling out his knife "I'm so sorry... my four leaf Clover" he whispered before chucking the knife at her aiming for the heart.

Just as the creature leapt for Clover, she opened her eyes and let out a cry of pain. Dropping to her knees slowly, the chernobog suddenly disappeared. Pan made his way to her as her limp body collided with mother natures green grass piled beneath her in clumps. "Clover!" She heard the British accent call out to her. "Peter" she barely spoke out and a flash of green came into view, knowing it was Pan, her vision blurred out and she was gone.

End flashback

Backing away in disbelief and outrage etched across her face. "No, no, no, t-that can't be true.." she faltered. If there was any question of if her memory was back fully they were gone. Peter knew. "Clover... I did it to protect you" he tried to explain. "Protect me! You killed me!" She exclaimed. "And you! Why did you take my memory Hades" her voice rose as she continued, tears poured down like sheets of rain. "I only did it because Hades would've done something far worse to you" Pan raised his voice to match hers. "Oh really? So bringing me down here was a whole lot safer" sarcasm evident in her voice. Hades looked at the poor girl with feigned sympathy "I only took away those memories to keep you away from this monster but, sometimes we have to find out the hard way" Hades cut in with sincerity.

Peter glanced at Clover pleading with his eyes to trust him but all he got in return were eyes full of betrayal and agony. "Get out" Clover demanded gesturing a finger towards the door. She couldn't even look at him right now. Pan complied and left in silence, the anger still evident in his dark green eyes. Hade was about to exit when he heard her soft voice "thank you Hades" she murmured still choking on her tears. With a hidden victorious smile, he turned putting on a look of sadness as he turned to her "Anytime" he said before vanishing into thin air. Leaving a map to his layer for her in the process. Clover noticed not only the map but the book was left on the counter as well. She sat at the kitchen stool letting out a couple sobs, crying herself to sleep.

Four Leaves In The Underworld (Peter Pan Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang