Chapter 18- Wild Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Serena!" A muffled voice called from somewhere to my left. Fear kept me from seeing who it was. Soon, a hand coiled around my wrist and tugged me hard. I was jerked out of Beedrill's way, finally breaking free from shock.

I looked up at my hero, a boy with jet hair and browned skin. His warm eyes scanned me, searching for any injuries. The look of relief when he found nothing calmed my nerves. And his widening grin made me giddy. Even in this time of panic, he never failed to send fireworks coursing through me.

"Come on, we have to go. The Beedrill are still chasing us." Ash told me and I nodded weakly. He intertwined my fingers in his, making me feel safe although being followed by a swarm of maniac Pokemon.

We ran through the forest, hand in hand, listening as the buzzing of Beedrill wings intensified. I stared at our hands, the blood rushing to my cheeks. I really needed to get my blushing under control. Elaina and the twins were no where to be found, we had lost them. Now Ash and I were on our own.

"They're getting closer!" I yelled at Ash, warning him and hoping he had a plan.

"We can't keep running much longer." He said to no one in particular. His eyes hardened and he scanned the forest around us.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, panic lacing my words.

"Follow me, do everything I say." He looked deep into my eyes, bringing us to a halt. I couldn't string a sentence together, so instead gave a half nod. Ash squeezed my hand gently, reassuring me that everything would be okay. "I'm holding on to you, remember that." A small smile formed on my lips at his words.

"Lead the way." I whispered. With that, Ash dragged me away, perpendicular from the path of the Beedrill. They had finally caught up to where we were once standing. I watched as they stopped, glancing around to find Ash and I.

Then our eyes met. Mine and one's of a wicked Beedrill. My heart jumped in my chest. I let out a strangled yelp, drawing the attention of rest of the pack.

Aren't I stupid?

"Ash, I think they spotted us!" I warned. He let out a frustrated groan.

"Come on, this way." My crush tugged me right, bolting in the direction of a...cave? I stumbled after him, recovering from the sudden change of direction. The cave was more of an indent in a cliff, but it was deep enough for us to cover ourselves in the shadows. "In here!" Ash exclaimed before pulling both of us inside.

Our backs were pressed tightly against the cold stone. I wanted to shrink into the rocks and melt away. My eyes shut, too terrified to look. My breathing was ragged and loud, ringing in my ears like an alarm. I tried to calm my panting. If you don't shut up, you'll get us caught I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Ash squeezed my hand, reminding me that he was still by my side. I felt a shiver run down my back and my fears start to dull. I listened as the buzzing of Beedrill wings approached the cave entrance. My heart rate accelerated. Ash gripped my hand tighter, not only for my comfort but for his. Every muscle in my body was tensed and ultimately unmoving. I held my breath.

Then as quickly as they came, they were gone. I released the breath I had been holding. Relief spread through my body like venom, tranquilizing my jumpy nerves. My eyes peeled open, revealing the dull cave walls. Ash relaxed next to me, indicating that we were safe.

"That was a close call." He muttered.

"You don't say." I smiled at him, happy that we were finally safe. Ash chuckled, lightening the mood. I listened to the music of his laugh echo off the walls.

"We should stay here for a little longer, until we are sure they are out of the area." He told me, fixing the position of his signature hat. His raven hair ruffled gently.

"Then we should find Elaina, Aron and Leon."

"Hopefully we can meet them at our campsite. They should make their way back there."

I nodded. Hopefully, they hadn't gotten themselves in any trouble. But knowing the siblings, they probably stopped to bicker and ended up in a sticky situation.

Ash and I sat in silence for a long while, neither of us willing to start conversation. We were simply happy with the others company. His hand was still knotted in mine and it didn't look like he was about to let go anytime soon. Not that I cared...

"Serena?" Ash whispered. I looked up to see he was staring right at me. There was an unreadable but tense look in his eyes. The cave lighting cast shimmers into his auburn orbs in a way I came to love. My cheeks heated, flushing red as I looked at him and remembered our intertwined hands. Immediately I looked away, not wanting the jet haired boy to see the blush on my face.

"Y-yes, Ash." I replied in a hushed tone, my eyes finding entertainment on the ground. Instead of answering me, Ash fell quiet, possibly forgetting what was on his mind. He began muttering to himself and out of curiosity, I tuned in.

"No eye contact, slight shaking..." Was the only thing I heard. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is he talking about?

"Serena? Are you nervous?"


Hope you guys liked this chapter. I hate studying!!! It means I can't write as much😢😢 anyways, look forward to more amourshipping in he next chapter!

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